
Japan vs. Italy [World Cup of Literature: Second Round]

This match was judged by Rhea Lyons. For more info on the World Cup of Literature, read this, and download the updated bracket. One of the first games of the second round finds Elena Ferrante’s Days of Abandonment pitted against the Japanese juggernaut 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. Ferrante’s Days of ...

England vs. Italy [World Cup of Literature: First Round]

This match was judged by Trevor Berrett. For more info on the World Cup of Literature, read this, and download the bracket. When we arrived at the stadium, there was a good vibe in the air. England fans were tentatively confident. After all, they have a mighty tradition, and the stars of their current team—Smith, ...

Why This Book Should Win: The 10 Fiction Finalists

Now that the ten finalists for the 2014 BTBA in Fiction have been announced, it’s worth taking a look back at the reasons “why these books should win” according to the judges and other readers. Below is a list of all ten finalists, with links to their individual write ups along with a key quote from each. ...

2014 Best Translated Book Awards: Fiction Finalists

All 25 titles on the 2014 Fiction Longlist are spectacular, so I’m sure this was a pretty brutal decision making process. Anyway, here are your final ten books: Horses of God by Mahi Binebine, translated from the French by Lulu Norman (Morocco; Tin House) Blinding by Mircea Cărtărescu, translated from the ...

BTBA 2014 Fiction Longlist: It's Here!

The wait is over. Listed below are the twenty-five titles on this year’s Best Translated Book Award Fiction Longlist. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting each and every one of these as part of the annual “Why This Book Should Win the BTBA” series. It’s a fun way of learning about ...

Ten Translations to Check Out in September: Not Really a Listicle

I’ve been wanting to do monthly highlights of books coming out for a while, but thought to myself that, well, Flavorwire already does stuff like this, so why bother. Then I remembered that Flavorwire is the worst, so here we are. High Tide by Inga Ābele. Translated from the Latvian by Kaija Straumanis. ($15.95, ...

Best Translated Book of 2008: The Honorable Mentions

Tomorrow morning we will unveil the 25 works of fiction that made the “Best Translated Book of the Year” longlist, but as a prelude, I thought I’d highlight a few titles that didn’t make it and a couple of magazines that deserve some special recognition. A twenty-five title longlist might seem like a ...