
All of the Books in the World

As many other bloggers have mentioned over the past week, Google recently came out with an announcement that there are 129, 864, 880 books in the world. This post explains how Google got to that number (very interesting), defines what a “book” is (”‘tome,’ an idealized bound volume”), and ...

Google and UNAM

UNAM (La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) has reached an agreement with Google to digitalize all of their publications from 1950 through 2007. The deal was signed this past June and as of late September, Google has uploaded the first group of books, consisting of 718 titles. Google will scan groups of UNAMs ...

The Googlization of Everything

I mentioned this a few weeks back, but The Googlization of Everything blog is finally here. This blog, the result of a collaboration between myself and the Institute for the Future of the Book, is dedicated to exploring the process of writing a critical interpretation of the actions and intentions behind the cultural ...

Google Book Search

Google has just announced some new features for their book search: To start, you can create your own personal collection on Book Search, and use it to help find just the right book from your collection for any occasion. and We’ve been working on ways to help you dive in and explore interesting ideas and ...