
This Could Be Really Amazing

Literary Saloon wrote about the English PEN Online World Atlas this morning, and I completely agree with Michael—this is a work in progress, but it could be absolutely amazing. The site’s mission is pretty huge, but if this comes to fruition, this would be one of the most valuable sites on the internet for ...

Very Cool, Very Useful

Thanks to Literary Saloon (Michael Orthofer is always on top of everything!) for pointing out the New Arabic Books site the British Council recently launched. The paucity of info available about Arabic books has been a frequent complaint of many a publisher, so this site should make an immediate difference. The fiction ...

Omega Minor in the Independent

As mentioned at the Literary Saloon, Matt Thorne has a review of Omega Minor by Paul Verhaeghen in today’s Independent. As Michael Orthofer—who has been praising this book and its break-out potential for quite some time—points out, the book hasn’t been receiving a lot of attention on this side of the ...

Obituary: Christian Bourgois

One of France’s most interesting publishers passed away last week. As the director of his eponymous publishing house, Christian Bourgois published a slew of influential world authors, including Roberto Bolaño, Ernst Jünger, Antonio Lobo Antunes, and Enrique Vila-Matas. The Literary Saloon has links to a couple of ...

Jelinek's Magnum Opus from Yale?

Literary Saloon has some info about the new issue of the New York Review of Books (not available online yet), including a bit about an exchange between Gitta Honegger and Tim Parks on his piece How to Read Elfriede Jelinek. In arguing her point, Honegger references Die Kinder der Toten (The Children of the Dead), which was ...

The Vanishing Book Review

This took place a few days ago, but The House of Mirth has a fantastic write up (complete with video!) of the CJR panel on the state of book reviews that took place last week. Sounds like a lively panel—like this exchange between Carlin Romano (on the populist side) and Steve Wasserman (on the intellectual criticism ...

Literary Saloon at the Editors Exchange

The Literary Saloon has some coverage of a panel that Chad was on, called ‘Promoting Literature in Translation Online’: While familiar with the sites, it was interesting to hear what they were doing and what they had planned, especially as several of the sites are in the process of being overhauled (or, in ...