
Support for Archipelago Books

The terrific Archipelago Books —publisher of many wonderful literary translations, including Attila Bartis’s Tranquility, a 2009 Best Translated Book Award winner—is currently doing two things to which we’d like to direct your attention (and hopeful participation). First and foremost, as a nonprofit, ...

Happy Bloomsday

What is home without Plumtree’s Potted Meat? Incomplete With it an abode of

$10 Fundraiser Update

We want to graciously thank all of you for the overflowing response to our first $10 fundraising campaign. As we said at the beginning, these contributions truly add up to a very significant total. What’s more, the demonstration that there is a broad base of support for literature in translation is something that ...

Your Morning News Show Pales in Comparison to Ours

News This Morning on 13WHAM Rochester has, yet again, proven itself to be the news leader when it comes to local morning news shows that feature literature and international authors. If this seems familiar, that’s because it is. This time, Chad went on with Mark Binelli (Author of Sacco & Vanzetti Must Die!, ...

TONIGHT – On the Edge: Writing in Post-Reunified Germany

In last last-minute switcheroo (sp?), Chad will be moderating-and-more at a PEN World Voices Festival event tonight in NYC. Title: On the Edge – Writing in Post-Reunified Germany When: Friday, May 1, 6–7:30 p.m. Where: Deutsches Haus, 42 Washington Mews You can get the full info here, but what that page ...

TODAY: Reading the World Conversation Series w/ Jan Kjærstad & Mark Binelli

To all of you in the Rochester area, be sure to come to the University of Rochester Interfaith Chapel today at 6 p.m. for the newest installment of our ongoing Reading the World Conversation Series. This time we’re proud to bring to town Jan Kjærstad (an internationally renown author from Norway) and Mark Binelli (an ...

Audio Interview with Chad Post for Nigel Beale's Podcast

Chad Post (who you may know as the guy who wrote all the words above and below this post) was recently interviewed by Nigel Beale for his literary podcast. It’s a candid 28 minutes—covering the state of literature in translation, the American publishing landscape, Open Letter, and etc.—so take a ...