
The Skating Rink

I’m as guilty as anyone for helping hype Roberto Bolaño’s two big books—“big” both in terms of reputation and size—that FSG released over the past two years. I loved both The Savage Detectives and 2666. I loved the heft, the ambition, the overreaching, and the risks he took. But ...

Latest Review: "The Skating Rink" by Roberto Bolano

The latest addition to our review section is a piece that I wrote about Roberto Bolano’s The Skating Rink. Bolano is a personal favorite, and I think this latest translation is very charming: I’m as guilty as anyone for helping hype Roberto Bolaño’s two big books—“big” both in ...

Review of Bolano's The Skating Rink

The Abu Dhabi-based The National has one of the first reviews of Bolano’s The Skating Rink, which is coming out from New Directions later this year. Giles Harvey’s raview spends a lot of time on Borges and Poe, detective fiction, and the creation of the reader of detective fiction, which is all quite ...