
CNQ: The Translation Issue

So at times I take a bit of pride in my Canadian heritage and think about how cool parts of Canada are, about all the interesting publishers up there, about how nice everyone is, etc. And I make an internal promise to pay more attention to Canadian publications, presses, and the like. But for whatever reason, although ...

Miss Herbert and Translation

A.S. Byatt reviews Adam Thirwell’s Miss Herbert in the Financial Times: Miss Herbert is a thoughtful, and frequently hilarious, study of the nature of literary translation. It is also a work of art, a new form. Juliet Herbert was the English governess of Flaubert’s niece, Caroline. She wrote a translation of ...

Genet in Translation

Following on the post about the translations of Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, The Sharp Side has an interesting piece on the English translations of Genet’s work. It all starts from comparing these two translations: Description of Darling: height, 5 ft 9 in, weight 165 lbs, oval face, blond hair, ...

Reykjavík International Literature Festival 2007

The Reykjavik Lit Festival runs from September 9th through the 15th, and the full schedule of events is available online. As pointed out in this overview, the “biggest” international name is Coetzee, but personally I’d love to see the events with Bragi Olafsson (Open Letter will be publishing his novel ...

Reminds Me of That Scene from A Heart So White, But Funny

Richard Woolcott, who ran Australia’s foreign service for four years, is publishing a book called Undiplomatic Activities about translation issues in diplomacy. Which sounds potentially boring until you read some of the linguistic screw-ups he cites in the book: Take the Australian diplomat in France who tried ...