
Triple Canopy and the History-Future of Online Publishing

I’ve only begun to explore the contents, but the new issue of Triple Canopy — subtitled “Unplaced Movements” — looks incredible. And right in the wheelhouse of my obsessions . . . From the editors’ Note on Unplaced Movements: Every innovative new-media publishing venture is born ...

Ebooks and Numbers and Little Girls in Rochester Suburbs [Random Digital Stuff]

A number of interesting e-book related articles and news items came out over the past few days, and rather than try and make something coherent out of all this, I’m just going to post a smattering of links . . . So: The big news this week was Jeff Bezos’s announcement that Amazon.com is now selling more e-books ...

Triple Canopy: Better News . . .

The new issue of Triple Canopy is now online. (At least the first few pieces—the rest will be unveiled over the next few weeks.) This particular issue is all about New Orleans, to commemorate the anniversary of Katrina. Not only are the pieces on there pretty interesting, but the design of this web publication is so ...

Roberto Bolano's "Caracas Speech"

The second issue of the very impressive web magazine Triple Canopy recently went live and features the first English translation of Roberto Bolano’s Caracas Speech, which he gave a few years before his death upon receiving the Rómulo Gallegos prize for The Savage Detectives. It’s an interesting speech ...