
Educational Effectiveness in AS&E

Educational effectiveness is promoted across the College in AS&E and leverages comprehensive and cohesive processes and plans to support continual improvement of educational offerings and learning outcomes achievement.

The inaugural College Advisory Council for Educational Effectiveness (CACEE) was established in January 2017 to create a forum for undergraduate curricular and co-curricular chairs, directors and assessment coordinators to foster discussion and support decision-making, ensuring that programs and initiatives from across AS&E were represented in processes and plans related to assessment and educational effectiveness.

The committee has evolved now to also include graduate education programs in Arts, Sciences and Engineering and was renamed the Educational Effectiveness in Arts, Sciences and Engineering (EEASE) in 2021. The goals of the EEASE committee continue to include:

  • Grounding the practice of teaching and learning in scholarship and growing the culture of assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning experience;
  • Sharing information and expertise and encouraging the exchange of ideas including the identification of learning outcomes and curriculum goals to support courses, programs, and the overall educational experience for learners in AS&E;
  • Providing input and assistance for the design and implementation of assessment strategies-formative/summative, direct/indirect across educational initiatives to support outcomes achievement;
  • Guiding the selection of appropriate data and findings for sharing among stakeholders;
  • Providing useful information concerning expectations for assessment including those related to regional and discipline-specific accreditation across AS&E at the University of Rochester; and
  • Ensuring assessment of processes occurs periodically to inform continual improvement in infrastructure and protocols.

Please email josephine.seddon@rochester.edu for with any questions or for additional information.