Contact Us


Mailing Address

Multidisciplinary Studies Center
University of Rochester
206 Morey Hall
Rochester, NY 14617

Using the chart below, please feel free to email the advisor associated with each program.

Program Advisors
Multidisciplinary ProgramAdvisor
Clinical and Translational SciencesJennifer Sherwood
Digital Media StudiesPatrick Doyle
East Asian StudiesJennifer Sherwood
School of Arts and Sciences (SAS)
Interdepartmental Programs*
*please see below
Public Health-related Programs:
Bioethics (major/minor)Jennifer Sherwood
Environmental Health (major)Jennifer Sherwood
Epidemiology (major/minor)Jennifer Sherwood
Health, Behavior, and Society (major/minor)Jennifer Sherwood
Health Policy (major/minor)Jennifer Sherwood


Beginning in spring 2025 and moving forward:  Amy Fisher will be the interdepartmental program advisor and the point of contact for students interested in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) interdepartmental programs.