University of Rochester

Daphne Bavelier: Your Brains on Action Games

screenshot from video featuring Daphne Bavelier

Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Daphne Bavelier studies how playing action video games affects several aspects of perception, attention, and cognition. Her research has found that action video game playing enhances several skills, including low-level vision (enhanced contrast sensitivity function), various aspects of attention (ability to monitor several objects at once, to search through a cluttered scene, to detect an event of interest in fast-forwarding video), more complex task constructs (multi-tasking, task-switching) and, finally, a general speeding of perceptual processing.

In this TEDx talk delivered at the TEDxCHUV event in Lausanne, Switzerland on June 22, 2012, Bavelier describes how video games affect the brain in some surprising ways.

More on Professor Daphne Bavelier

Brain and Learning Lab
Research overview and recent publications.

Faculty experts: Daphne Bavelier
Links to recent news releases and coverage of Professor Bavelier's work.

When Gaming Is Good for You
Wall Street Journal. Hours of intense play change the adult brain; better multitasking, decision-making and even creativity. (March 5, 2012)

Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills
NPR, listen to the story. (December 7, 2010)

Action Video Games Found to Sharpen Decision-Making
CBS News. Researchers say they have established for the first time a connection between playing first-person shooter games and making fast and accurate decisions. (September 13, 2010)

Action Video Games Sharpen Vision 20 Percent
Video games that contain high levels of action, such as Unreal Tournament, can actually improve your vision. (February 6, 2007)

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