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Sandra Knispel

Communications Specialist

Sandra Knispel


Author Posts Loop

Society & Culture
August 6, 2021 | 01:07 pm

How does the pandemic affect families who were already struggling?

River Campus psychologists and the Mt. Hope Family Center are awarded a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development grant to study the pandemic’s long-term effects on family cohesion and child well-being.

topics: COVID-19, Department of Psychology, Mt. Hope Family Center, research funding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
May 10, 2021 | 11:07 am

100 years on: The partition of Ireland explained

Stewart Weaver, a professor of history whose teaching interests include Great Britain, Ireland, India, exploration, and the environment, offers an explainer on the partition of Ireland, which took place a century ago.

topics: Department of History, School of Arts and Sciences, Stewart Weaver,
Voices & Opinion
April 8, 2021 | 04:56 pm

Is it time for a universal wage for housework?

In an essay in the Washington Post, history PhD student Kevin Sapere argues the pandemic has made it “all the more relevant” to compensate housework.

topics: Department of History, graduate education, School of Arts and Sciences,