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In Photos
May 4, 2020 | 04:07 pm

Special goodbye for a special UHS nurse

University Health Service staff members organized a “Drive-by Good-bye” for Liz Feuerstein, a UHS staff nurse who retired from the University after almost 32 years of service on Friday, May 1. Several former University staff and retirees came back to campus for the socially-distanced retirement event, including nurse coworkers from over years. The Department of Public Safety led the parade. 

topics: University Health Service,
In Photos
April 3, 2020 | 07:54 am

Anthony Fauci’s Meliora moment

Before becoming the face of the fight against COVID-19, Anthony Fauci, a world-renowned AIDS researcher and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was the keynote speaker at the School of Medicine & Dentistry’s 1999 commencement, where he received an honorary doctor of science degree for his achievements in understanding and eradicating infectious diseases. (University of Rochester photo / Randall Tagg)

topics: COVID-19,
In Photos
February 26, 2020 | 03:47 pm

One of the world’s oldest globes is ready for its close-up

Rochester professor Gregory Heyworth and his Lazarus Project colleagues have created a 3-D model of one of the treasures of the New York Public Library, the Hunt-Lenox Globe, one of the first globes to show the New World — and to warn “Here be dragons.”

topics: Department of English, digital humanities, Digital Scholarship Lab, featured-post, Gregory Heyworth, humanities, Lazarus Project, School of Arts and Sciences,
In Photos
February 18, 2020 | 01:55 pm

Remember King’s last, somber years

“History converged in a way that called Dr. King forward, and he answered the call,” said Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude Jr., who delivered the University of Rochester’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address. “That can happen with anybody. We don’t need another Martin Luther King. We need every day ordinary people. We are the leaders we’ve been looking for.” (University of Rochester photo / Matt Wittmeyer)

topics: Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address,
In Photos
January 23, 2020 | 10:16 am

Multispectral imaging unlocks a Smithsonian treasure’s secrets

This tiny book was acquired by the Smithsonian in 1925. It’s made up of 147 folios of parchment, or treated animal hide, stitched together. The “over text”—the visible text—is of an Armenian prayer book, suspected to date from the 15th century. But there is also an “under text”—a work that was erased to recycle the parchment for the over text. The Smithsonian has turned to University of Rochester professor Gregory Heyworth and his Lazarus Project to help solve the mystery of what that long-ago effaced text might be.

topics: Department of English, Gregory Heyworth, humanities, School of Arts and Sciences,
In Photos
January 17, 2020 | 02:12 pm

Celebrating two decades of the MLK Commemorative Address

Since 2000, when the late Julian Bond spoke on the River Campus, the Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Address has been a winter tradition at the University of Rochester, bringing civil rights leaders, activists, poets, and icons to campus.

topics: diversity, events, featured-post, MLK Commemorative Address,
In Photos
January 2, 2020 | 10:30 am

World view: Photo contest highlights education abroad

From places to culture to the most epic selfie, University of Rochester students who traveled abroad during the 2018–19 academic year—and international students who studied at Rochester—submitted their best photos for the annual Education Abroad Photo Contest.

topics: Center for Education Abroad, featured-post-side, Rochester Review, student life,
In Photos
December 19, 2019 | 12:41 pm

2019: The year in pictures

As 2019 winds down, we asked University photographer J. Adam Fenster to share some of his top selections from among the many thousands of pictures he captured this year, and his thoughts about what makes each one special.

topics: featured-post,
In Photos
December 17, 2019 | 12:22 pm

‘Iron Chef’ officers

With the secret ingredient of brussel sprouts and judges from the Students’ Association and Wilson Commons staff, officers in the Department of Public Safety teamed up with chefs from University Dining Services for the first “Cooking with DPS Iron Chef” competition.

topics: Department of Public Safety, Dining Services,
In Photos
December 10, 2019 | 11:35 am

Baseball in December? Absolutely.

Rachel Waddell, musical director for the Department of Music, joins Mittsy the Rochester Red Wings mascot for a community concert celebrating “150 Years of Baseball.” The University’s Chamber Orchestra and Concert Choir joined students from Rochester’s Roberto Clemente School No. 8 for a concert mimicked at night at the stadium.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, community, Rachel Waddel, School of Arts and Sciences,