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University News
November 26, 2019 | 09:38 am

Two Rochester scientists named AAAS fellows

Todd Krauss, professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry, and Benjamin Miller, Dean’s Professor of Dermatology, are being recognized this year for their “efforts toward advancing scientific applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished.”

topics: AAAS, announcements, awards, Benjamin Miller, Department of Chemistry, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Todd Krauss,
University News
November 14, 2019 | 04:09 pm

Search for Warner School dean under way

A University committee has been appointed to begin a national search for the next dean of the Warner School of Education.

topics: announcements, Warner School of Education,
University News
October 31, 2019 | 01:45 pm

Farm-to-University: Local foods programs support community, sustainability

Autumn’s Harvest Farm is one of the University’s newest local food suppliers, providing sustainable pork, beef, and eggs to campus dining centers. The growth of local and responsible food purchasing has led to recent awards for University Dining Services.

topics: awards, Campus Dining Services and Auxiliary Operations, community, staff, sustainability,
University News
October 29, 2019 | 04:16 pm

From intern to data scientist, in a new University role

The link between data science and communications may not always seem so clear cut, but Harrison Frank ’19 is bringing his expertise in pattern recognition and strategic problem-solving to the University’s communications efforts as the new data scientist and design researcher.

topics: alumni, data science, Goergen Institute for Data Science, University Communications,