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(University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Today, the University is launching the web portal detailing the University’s 2018–2025 strategic planning process and describing the working groups that have been formed to address the broader goals that have already been established by the University’s Strategic Planning Committee.

These working group topics are:

  • Lead through Research
    • Sub Group on Data Science
    • Sub Group on Neuroscience
  • Innovate in Education
    • Sub Group on Performing Arts and Humanities
  • Build and Embrace Community
  • Transform Health Care
  • Envision the University of Rochester in 2025

Several working groups have also been established to develop strategies to enable and support the strategic plan:

  • Financial Sustainability
  • Advancement
  • Communications

These working groups consist of faculty,  staff, and students, originally nominated by deans of schools and other senior leaders. The working groups (and sub groups) have since been expanded by their respective chairs to include other participants as needed. We fully expect this organic growth to continue, at the direction of the working group leaders.

The strategic planning process is organized into two phases.  Phase I will build upon the “Next Level” strategic plan that extends through 2018 and is intended to continue that effort through 2021. Phase II focuses on our future aspirations for the university and is intended to extend through 2025. While Phase I includes initiatives underway, Phase II will identify opportunities for future investments and areas where seed funding, like the University Research Awards, can help build our pipeline for future growth.

Faculty, students, staff, and the broader community of friends and alumni are encouraged to submit ideas through the web portal.  The working groups will review the suggestions submitted and look for opportunities that are both supported by multiple members of our community and present opportunities to enhance the University’s reputation nationally and internationally.  The deadline for submitting comments and ideas is November 17, 2017.

We look forward to your contributions to the planning process and finding ways to move our University forward in the spirit of Meliora.