Three Percent #36: A Couple Gin & Tonics Does NOT Make Me a Better Oulipian
(My initial plan was to create a title for this podcast that was actually an acrostic spelling out “Oulipo.” The best I came up with was “Our Unique Lab Instigating Poetic Opportunities,” which is decent, self-referential, and strange, but not perfect. Unfortunately, drinking didn’t help me ...
Overview/Review of Daniel Levin Becker's "Many Subtle Channels"
To supplement this week’s podcast, I thought I would post the review I wrote of Daniel Levin Becker’s Many Subtle Channels on GoodReads. Matt Rowe is planning on writing up a full review of this book for Three Percent, but for the time being, here you go: In reading this charming book, I tried to recall how I ...
A Book I Can't Wait to Read: "Many Subtle Channels" by Daniel Levin Becker
I don’t read a lot of critical/academic books, but I can’t wait to get my hands on Daniel Levin Becker’s Many Subtle Channels: In Praise of Potential Literature, which is coming out from Harvard University Press next month: What sort of society could bind together Jacques Roubaud, Italo Calvino, Marcel ...