Three Percent #110: The Weight of Things
Adrian Nathan West joined this week’s podcast to talk about Marianne Fritz and his translation of The Weight of Things, the first novel in the recently launched Reading the World Book Clubs. Additionally, we talked about Twelve Stations by Tomasz Różycki (the RTWBC poetry selection this month), the ABA Winter ...
Send Us Your Comments on "The Weight of Things" and "Twelve Stations"! [RTWBC]
Despite all of my New Year Best Intentions, I fell off last week with posting about the two Reading the World Book Club books for January: The Weight of Things by Marianne Fritz and Twelve Stations by Tomasz Różycki. I did read (and enjoyed!) both books and will be talking about both books tomorrow on a podcast with Tom ...
A Quote from "Twelve Stations" [RTWBC]
I was hoping to send Bill Johnston a bunch of questions about Tomasz Różycki’s Twelve Stations over the weekend, but the general exhaustion from MLA, Greyhound bus rides, and doing three events in three days won out. With a little luck I’ll have something from him to post next Thursday. In the meantime, I ...
Book Club Intro for "Twelve Stations" by Tomasz Różycki [RTWBC]
Before getting into the poetry side of our Reading the World Book Clubs, I just want to remind everyone that you can share your thoughts and comments about these books/posts in three different ways: in the comments section below, on the Reading the World Book Club Facebook Group, and by using #RTWBC on Twitter. For this ...
As a Counterbalance to the International Poetry Post . . .
Congrats to Polish poet Tomasz Rozycki for winning the 3 Quarks Daily 2010 Prize in Arts & Literature. Rozycki won for Scorched Maps, a poem that was posted on PEN America with some commentary about the poem’s origins. (And translated by Mira Rosenthal.) Here’s the actual poem and opening of the ...