This section will contain resources that will assist end users in accomplishing specific tasks within the UR Budget system or budget process. This would include the following:
Provider Job Aids:
Provider-Model-Instructions-Budget FY26
Sub-Total to Ledger Account to FAC Map
Template for Adding Replacement Providers FY26
SMH Job Aids:
FY25 SMH Budget Instructions FINAL
Highland Hospital Job Aids:
HH Subaccount map to Ledger Account
URMFG Job Aids:
MFG-FY26 Operating-Budget-Instructions
MFG FY26 Expense Credit Schedule
MFG-FY26-Malpractice Calculation
Business Improvement Plan (BIP) Job Aids:
Business Improvement Plan Requirements
BIP Example – Adding a New Provider to Meet Patient Demand
Staff Benefit Rates:
FY2025 Rate 1 Incremental Schedule
FY2025 Staff Benefit Rate Schedule