Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)

The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) is specifically designed to serve students of diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. The program is especially attractive for those students who, because of their economic and educational backgrounds, may not have considered attending the University.

HEOP and its activities are supported, in whole or in part, by the New York State Education Department. Since 1969, the University of Rochester's HEOP office has provided eligible students with a strong support network that includes academic advising, personal counseling, and substantial financial assistance.

View our Higher Education Opportunity Program flyer for more information.

Program Eligibility

First-year college students must:

  • Be a resident of New York State
  • Have a high school diploma or a state-approved equivalency diploma
  • Be economically disadvantaged as defined by the State Education Department
  • Meet the University of Rochester's HEOP academic criteria

Transfer students must:

  • Have prior participation in one of the following at a New York State institution:
  • Meet the University of Rochester's academic criteria for transfer admission

Income Guidelines

See table below for income guidelines. Students must be residents of New York State and citizens of the United States or permanent resident visa holders.

New York State Education Department C/STEP and HEOP
Income Eligibility Criteria 2021-22 through 2025-26
Household Size*2021-222022-232023-242024-252025-26**
Income Under

*In 2024

**For 2025-26, add $9,953 for each additional family member in excess of eight (8).


The income guidelines noted above do not apply if a student falls into one of the following categories:

  • The student or the student's family is the recipient of Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), Home Relief, or Family Day Care payments through a New York State or a County Department of Social Services
  • The student is living with foster parents who do not provide support for college and no monies are provided from the natural parents
  • The student is a ward of the State of New York or a County in New York State

Financial Aid

HEOP offers a generous financial aid package through a combination of scholarships, federal and state grants, low-interest student loans, and federal work study. Tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and basic living expenses are all taken into consideration when determining the financial aid package.

To verify your financial eligibility, the following applications must be completed and submitted by February 15:

Submit signed copies of your 2017 Federal Income Tax Return and W2s, as well as those of your parents or guardians, including all pages and schedules. In the case that you are not required to file taxes, a non-tax filer statement can be submitted. A verification form may also be required. Forms can be accessed through IDOC and on the Financial Aid Office website.

Noncustodial Parent

If your parents are divorced, separated, or were never married, we recommend you complete your application with your custodial parent’s information first or the parent you lived with most during the past year. The noncustodial parent’s financial information is also required in order to be considered for University of Rochester need-based grant assistance. Contact the Financial Aid Office for questions pertaining to any challenges acquiring the noncustodial parent’s information.

For more information on the University of Rochester's financial aid programs, please call (585) 275-3226 or (800) 881-8234. Or visit the Financial Aid Office website.


The following services are provided at no cost to HEOP students:

  • ECO Summer Program
  • Tutorial assistance
  • Counselor support
  • Study skills development
  • Career development opportunities
  • Academic advising
  • Educational workshops and symposia
  • Leadership training

HEOP Requirements

  1. Complete and submit all Financial Aid forms by the February 15 deadline
  2. Attend the Early Connection Opportunity program
  3. Meet with assigned HEOP counselor on a regular basis
  4. Maintain satisfactory academic progress

For more information, please write or call:

Office of Minority Student Affairs
Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program

P.O. Box 270445
2-161 Dewey Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0445

Phone number: (585) 275-0651
Fax number: (585) 473-6494
Email address: omsa@ur.rochester.edu