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Message to quarantining students: Support is available and we’re in this together

Dear Student:

These are stressful and challenging times, especially as you cope with quarantine and isolation. As students at the University of Rochester, you have several resources and support systems available to you.

The University Counseling Center (UCC) remains open for support for all full-time students and offers suggestions for managing fears and anxiety about the pandemic. The UCC 24/7 on-call service (585) 275-3113 is also available for mental health emergencies experienced by students.

The CARE Network  allows members of the University community to express their concern about a student—or seek help for themselves—through its online referral form. Upon receiving and reviewing a CARE referral, staff reach out to the student to provide support and resources. In addition, the Interfaith Chapel remains available to offer support to students during this difficult time. Students are welcome to email Reverend Denise Yarbrough if they are struggling. Many of the faith communities of the chapel are offering virtual worship services. Simply contact the leader of the faith community you are interested in for details on their virtual services.

For students who need additional funding to cover qualifying needs, clothing, food, housing, the Basic Needs Hub is an excellent resource to get you through the critical period. The Food Pantry has expanded its availability to all students and postdoctoral appointees who face food insecurity, face a change in employment status, financial hardship or who are in quarantine and isolation. It is need-blind and does not require any income or financial threshold.

Remember, we are in this together and you are not alone. Whether you live on campus or off-campus, each school has a Quarantine/Isolation Support Coordinator listed below who can further assist you in obtaining the necessary services to support you in getting through these challenging times.

We wish you a very successful academic term and year. Stay safe and healthy, and please do not forget to follow the University’s health and safety guidelines.

Molly Morrison
Director, International Student Engagement
Associate Director, Center for Advising Services

Quarantine/Isolation Support Coordinators

AS&E undergraduates 
Kaitlin Legg:
Molly Morrison:

AS&E graduate students and postdocs  
Kris Lantzky:

Eastman School of Music undergraduates
Rachel Grzejka:

Eastman School of Music graduate students
Zachary Peterson:

Eastman Institute for Oral Health (EIOH) 
Linda Lipani:

School of Nursing 
Colleen Johnson:

SMD medical students  
Dr. Flavia Nobay:

SMD postdocs and graduate students   
Sharon McCullough:

Simon Business School 
Karen Mach:

Warner School of Education 
Pam Black-Colton: