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Non-matriculated Students

Non-matriculated students at the University of Rochester are not eligible to receive either University, federal, or state funding as they are not accepted into a degree seeking program. The only available type of aid available to these students are alternative educational loans.

Alternative educational loans

These educational loans are offered by banks and educational lenders. Alternative loans may also be referred to as private educational or supplemental loans, as they are not affiliated with federal or state loan programs.

International students will most likely need to secure a private/alternative loan with a U.S. cosigner. If you do not have a U.S. cosigner, please try to obtain a loan through a bank in your native country, especially if they offer students loans in the United States.

Please note: We do recommend that non-matriculated students speak to a financial aid counselor first before pursuing alternative loans.

Review additional information on the alternative educational loan option on the loans page.

Aid for Non-Matriculated Pre-Requisites

Non-matriculated students who are taking pre-requisite courses for entry into a degree-seeking program may be eligible for federal student loan support. To be eligible, students must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident eligible for federal financial aid.
  • Must have applied to the degree-seeking program for which the pre-requisites are required. This includes submission of a full application for admission to the program, including all transcripts and other academic records.
  • Must receive academic approval from an admissions/academic officer, confirming that the pre-requisite courses will be required for entry to their program based on a review of the student’s application and academic records.
  • Must be enrolling in at least six credits of required pre-requisite coursework in a given semester.

If the criteria listed above have been met, students are encouraged to reach out to Victoria DiStefano at and request a copy of a Non-Matriculated Certification Form to be completed by the student and an admissions/academic officer from the degree program to which they’ve applied.

In addition, students should also submit a FAFSA for the appropriate academic year.  Rochester’s academic years run from Fall to Summer semester.  So, for example, students taking coursework during the Summer 2024 semester would need to complete a 2023-2024 FAFSA.  Students taking coursework during the Fall 2024 semester would need to complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA. The University’s school code for the FAFSA is 002894.

Students can email the Non-Matriculated Certification Form to Victoria DiStefano when it has been completed in full, with all sections and questions filled in.  The Financial Aid Office will be able to confirm a student’s eligibility for federal loans for the pre-requisite coursework upon receiving both the completed form and the appropriate year’s FAFSA.

Aid for School of Nursing Pre-Requisites

I believe I meet the criteria listed above to be eligible for federal loan funding for my pre-requisite coursework.  What is my next step to initiate the review process?
  1. Verify with the School of Nursing that your application for admission is complete, including submission of all transcripts and academic records.
  2. Submit your registration for your required coursework online and indicate that you are pursuing financial aid to fund the courses.
  3. Reach out to Victoria DiStefano to request a copy of the Non-Matriculated Certification Form. Complete the form in full, and submit it to for verification that the courses are required for your entry into the degree program to which you have applied.
  4. Once all sections of the form have been completed and signed, submit it to Victoria DiStefano.
  5. Submit your FAFSA for the appropriate academic year. Use Rochester’s school code of 002894.

The Financial Aid Office and School of Nursing will coordinate the process from there, and notify you when your aid eligibility has been determined.  Upon review of the form and your FAFSA, the Financial Aid Office may need to reach out for additional information or clarification in order to proceed with reviewing your eligibility.  Please be sure to monitor the email address you provided on your registration form, as that is how the Office will reach out to you.

What is the timeline for being reviewed for federal loan eligibility for my pre-requisite coursework?

Upon receipt of the Non-Matriculated Certification Form and submission of online registration for the courses, it will take approximately two business weeks for a student’s eligibility to be reviewed and confirmed.  Please keep in mind that a FAFSA for the appropriate academic year must be submitted and received by Rochester in order for this review to be completed.

When a student’s eligibility for federal loans has been determined, they will be notified via email.  The Financial Aid Office will also notify the School of Nursing of their eligibility.  If their eligibility is sufficient to cover the cost of the courses they have registered for, and their registration matches what is listed on the Non-Matriculated Certification Form, the School of Nursing will give the student access to begin their coursework.

After receiving notification of my federal loan eligibility, are there any additional steps I will need to take?

Yes.  Two online documents will need to be completed in order to formally accept and agree to repay the federal loans you have been offered: Entrance Counseling, and a Master Promissory Note (MPN).  Students can find links to both documents through the “Required Documents” page of their FAOnline account, which they will receive access to when notified of their eligibility.  Student should submit the documents to Rochester using our federal school code of 002894.  These documents will authorize the Department of Education to disburse the funds to their student billing accounts.  Students can read more about these documents on our website.

If I decide to register for non-matriculated courses and pay for them out-of-pocket, can I still apply for federal aid after having paid?

Yes.  If students wish to register and pay for the non-matriculated courses, they can still complete the Non-Matriculated Certification Form and request a review of their federal eligibility, as long as they meet the criteria listed above.  Aid cannot be processed once the student is no longer enrolled in coursework, so students are encouraged to submit the Form as well as their FAFSA no later than one month before their enrollment in the courses will end.  If a student’s federal loan eligibility is sufficient to cover the cost of the coursework, and the student has already paid for that coursework, the student can be refunded their initial out-of-pocket payment.

I do not meet the criteria for federal student loan funding for my pre-requisite coursework.  What are my other options?

Non-matriculated students can pursue private student loan funding as an alternative to federal loans.  Students can review a list of lender options that Rochester students have used recently through ElmSelect.  If a student is pursuing a private loan for their non-matriculated coursework, they are encouraged to submit proof of their approval for that loan funding to the Financial Aid Office at  Upon approval for a private student loan sufficient to cover the cost of their coursework, students should then submit their registration for the coursework online.  The Financial Aid Office will coordinate with the School of Nursing to certify the private loan and confirm the funds can be applied to the cost of the coursework.

Keep in mind that not all lenders will allow non-matriculated students to borrow from them, so students are encouraged to confirm with the lender that they can be approved for funds as a non-matriculated student, before submitting their loan application.

I am employed by UR and would like to use tuition benefits to help cover the cost of my non-matriculated coursework.  What action do I need to take?

Rochester employees who are benefit-eligible should reach out to the Office of Total Rewards to confirm their eligibility and submit a tuition benefit application.  Total Rewards will coordinate with the School of Nursing to confirm the student’s eligibility for funding once the student has submitted their benefit paperwork.  Total Rewards can be reached via phone at (585)275-8747, and via email at

I am planning to enroll in a degree program at a different institution, but would like to take my pre-requisites at Rochester. Am I eligible to apply for federal loans?

Yes, you can also request a review of your eligibility for federal loans.  After completing your sections of the Non-Matriculated Certification Form, submit the form to the admissions office of your planned degree program for their completion.  Once they have completed the form verified the courses as necessary pre-requisites for entry into their program, submit it to