One-Page PhD Public Policy Pitch Competition
Fostering Collaboration and Innovation
Contest overview
By encouraging the translation of academic research into actionable and understandable policy recommendations, the competition aims to help student researchers develop and succinctly communicate evidence-based policies that address real world challenges… using just one page.
Students will submit a written one-page abstract outlining the policy implications of their research aimed at a non-specialist audience. A panel of reviewers will evaluate the submissions based on clarity, relevance, and potential impact on public policy.
- REGISTRATION IS OPEN through March 3, 2025.
- Please email to register and include “One Page Pitch Registration Request” in the subject line.
- Training session on March 6: An advocacy training session will be held by the Office of Community and Government Relations on 3/6/25 at 12:30 pm to 1 pm via Zoom.
- Submit by April 11: The submission deadline will be April 11, 2025 at 5 p.m.
- Winners announced April 23: We’ll announce the winner and runner up on April 23, 2025.
Open to all current University of Rochester Ph.D. and Professional Doctorate (Research) candidates, as well as postdoctoral appointees.
Rules and judging criteria
Submission Format
- Length: Maximum of one page (8.5″ x 11″), including all text, graphs, and images.
- Font: Times New Roman or Arial, size 12.
- Margins: At least 1-inch on all sides.
- Line Spacing: Single or 1.15 spacing.
Required Components
- Title: A clear and engaging title that reflects the focus of the abstract.
- Research Context: Briefly explain the research topic and its significance.
- Policy Implications: Clearly outline actionable, evidence-based recommendations derived from the research.
- Audience Accessibility: Write in plain language suitable for a non-specialist audience. Avoid jargon and highly technical terms.
- Supporting Evidence: Summarize key findings and include relevant data to support the policy recommendation(s).
Formatting and Submission Considerations
- Text only. Graphs/images are not allowable.
- Citations (if needed) should be brief and incorporated as footnotes or endnotes within the page limit.
- Submit your one-page abstract as a PDF file.
- Name your file as: LastName_FirstName_OnePagePitch.pdf.
- Review the Judging Rubric for more information.
- First Place Winner: $750
- Runner Up: $500
Resources and helpful links
- The Office of Government and Community Relations: Includes the University’s annual state and federal legislative and funding priorities documents, community benefit report, economic impact report, as well as links to the University’s lobbying and political activities policies.
Current legislative and funding priorities
Other helpful resources
- Association of American Universities
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Council of Graduate Schools
- CGS “Basics of Advocacy” document
- The Science Coalition
- National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)
- Council on Government Relations (COGR)
- American Hospital Association (AHA)
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Past participants
Spring 2024 winners
Congratulations to our winners of the Spring 2024 competition, and thank you to everyone who participated!
- Winner: Marielle Jensen-Battaglia (Epidemiology)
- Runner-up: James Spann (Computer Science)