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Posts Tagged Donald Hall

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Society & Culture
September 23, 2019 | 05:41 pm

Madeleine Albright to visit Rochester

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, pathbreaking diplomat and bestselling author, will be the keynote speaker at an October 24 event at the University of Rochester.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Donald Hall, events, featured-post-side,
University News
April 3, 2019 | 06:07 pm

‘Difference teaches you humility’

Donald Hall was formally installed as the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of the Arts, Sciences & Engineering during an investiture ceremony Wednesday, in which is spoke about how his past experiences inspire him to address the needs of students and faculty who are facing challenges.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Donald Hall, featured-post,
University News
February 5, 2019 | 12:32 pm

Activist and author Angela Davis to speak at Rochester

Angela Davis will be on campus to discuss “The University’s Role in Educating Students to be Engaged Citizens,” is part of the lecture series Difficult Conversations as a Catalyst for Change.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, diversity, Donald Hall, events, featured-post-side,
In Photos
November 5, 2018 | 03:11 pm

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar discusses racism, social injustice

In the first of an ongoing initiative to bring challenging conversations to campus, Donald Hall (right), the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences & Engineering, welcomed basketball icon and activist Kareem Abdul Jabbar to meet with students and host a talk on the issues dividing America, including racism, economic inequality, and social injustice. “Basically we have to overcome fear … That type of bigotry has no basis in logic,” Abdul Jabbar told the audience in the Palestra last night. “We have to learn to appreciate that people of intelligence come in all shapes and sizes and colors, and if we don’t learn to appreciate that then I think we’re just doomed as a species.” (University photo by J. Adam Fenster)

topics: Donald Hall, events,
University News
October 7, 2018 | 11:47 am

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to speak at River Campus

The basketball icon, activist, author, and ambassador, will give the first lecture in a series on “Difficult Conversations as a Catalyst for Change,” presented by Donald Hall, the University’s Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences & Engineering.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, diversity, Donald Hall, events,