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Posts Tagged thought leadership

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Voices & Opinion
March 16, 2023 | 11:59 am

Why did Silicon Valley Bank collapse?

Alan Moreira, an associate professor of finance at the Simon Business School, reflects on the bank’s failure and what may happen next.

topics: Alan Moreira, Simon Business School, thought leadership,
Society & Culture
April 19, 2022 | 05:05 pm

Russia and Ukraine: Putin ‘has his back up against the wall’

Randall Stone, an expert on Eastern and Central Europe, discusses the direction of the war in Ukraine, including the likelihood of Russia’s using biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons.

topics: Department of Political Science, featured-post, Randall Stone, School of Arts and Sciences, thought leadership,
The Arts
March 22, 2022 | 05:23 pm

Walt Whitman ‘more important now than ever’

On the anniversary of the Walt Whitman’s death, Ed Folsom ’76 (PhD) looked back on the legacy of the poet’s work, examples of which are available in the University’s libraries.

topics: alumni, Department of Rare Books Special Collections and Preservation, humanities, literature, poetry, thought leadership,
Society & Culture
March 9, 2022 | 04:44 pm

How to end the war in Ukraine

Rochester political scientist Hein Goemans, an expert on war termination, applies possible scenarios to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

topics: Department of Political Science, Hein Goemans, School of Arts and Sciences, thought leadership,
Society & Culture
March 3, 2022 | 09:41 am

Fact-checking Putin’s claims that Ukraine and Russia are ‘one people’

Rochester historian Matthew Lenoe explains how Ukraine’s history is intertwined with Russia’s—but also with that of many other nations, empires, ethnicities, and religions.

topics: Department of History, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, featured-post, Matthew Lenoe, School of Arts and Sciences, thought leadership,
Society & Culture
February 25, 2022 | 03:01 pm

Why does Russia want Ukraine?

Political scientist Hein Goemans, Rochester’s expert on international conflicts, explains why Ukraine’s fate might be tied to Putin’s survival.

topics: Department of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences, thought leadership,