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Health Care Worker Bonus FAQs:

When will the bonus be paid?

The first payment for vesting period one was made on October 21, 2022. The second payment for vesting period 2 (and the makeup submission for vesting period 1) was made on January 27, 2023. The third payment for vesting period three was made on August 11, 2023. The 4th payment was made on February 20, 2024, and the 5th payment will be made on August 23, 2024, via a live check that will be mailed to the home address we currently have in HRMS. You will receive the check on or before 8/23/2024.


How will the bonus payments be issued?

Bonus payments will be issued via a separate payroll for all qualified employees.  Bonus payments will not be included as part of your regular paycheck. The bonus for the vesting period will have its line item on your pay stub.

What are the tax implications of the bonus? Is the bonus considered taxable income?

Bonus payments paid to an NYS resident are not subject to NYS personal income tax. The bonus payments are considered supplemental wages for federal income tax purposes. They will be subject to federal income tax withholding of 22%, Social Security tax withholding of 6.2%, and Medicare tax withholding of 1.45%.

Are bonus payments subject to garnishments?

Yes, the Health Care Worker Bonus payments are subject to garnishments per the State.

Will bonus payments be direct deposited?

No, bonus payments for Vesting period 5 will be issued as live checks dated for 8/23/2024.

Will bonus payments affect my voluntary contributions to the University’s 403(b) retirement program?

Retirement deductions will not be withheld from this payment.

 Does the Health Care Worker Bonus affect overtime calculations?

The New York State Health Care and Mental Hygiene Worker Bonus (HWB) is considered a non-discretionary bonus under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which makes it a component of your regular rate of pay for the period in which it was paid. Your regular rate of pay is the basis for the calculation of any overtime compensation due to hourly paid employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek.

If you worked any overtime during the vesting period, the impact on your regular rate and any overtime adjustment owed for vesting period 3 will be processed in your August 18, 2023 paycheck. If you did not work any overtime during the vesting period, no adjustment payment will be made.

I did not receive my bonus. Who do I contact?

Individuals who believe they should have received a bonus payment and did not should contact their Human Resources Business Partner.

How Will the Overtime impact of the Health Care Worker Bonus be taxed?

It will be taxed at the regular graduate rate similar to the employee’s wages paid.

Important Reminder – Juneteenth Week 2024 Early Payroll Deadlines

Due to the University’s observance of the Juneteenth holiday – Wednesday, June 19, and to ensure timely processing and mailing of Payroll checks.

All time must be entered and approved by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, June 17.

All employees must comply with this deadline to ensure our employees are paid properly.   

Tips for employees entering time

  • Ensure your time is entered daily.
  • Remind your timekeeper to approve your time on a weekly basis.

Tips for time keepers

  • Each morning, approve the time recorded by employees for the previous day.
  • On Monday, June 10, ensure all time entered for employees for the previous week has been approved.
  • During the week of June 10th – continue to approve your employees’ time daily.

Subject: IMPORTANT: Payroll Cycle Transition

  • New York State has recently revised its legislation requiring all employees who earn less than $1,300/week to be paid on at least a semi-monthly basis. Due to this change, effective for the pay period beginning on April 1, 2024, you will transition from a monthly pay cycle to a semi-monthly pay cycle. We want to emphasize that this change is to comply with NYS law regarding the frequency with which you are paid and will in no way affect your job responsibilities, your benefits eligibility, or your salary.You will receive your last monthly check on March 29, 2024 and your first semi-monthly check on April 15, 2024.  Thereafter, you will receive a check on the 15th and last day of each month.  These semi-monthly paychecks will consist of half of your regular monthly salary. While this will not impact your overall earnings, this change may impact your net pay if you have certain deductions set as a flat dollar amount in each paycheck. See deduction and direct deposit considerations below.
  • FAQsWhy is this change happening?New York State has recently raised the Article 6 salary threshold, which establishes the obligation of an employer with regard to pay frequency. With this change, all employees who earn less than $1,300/week must be paid on at least a semi-monthly basis. When is this change happening?Effective for the pay period beginning April 1, 2024, you will transition from a monthly pay cycle to a semi-monthly pay cycle. You will receive your last monthly check on March 29, 2024 and your first semi-monthly check on April 15, 2024.


    What happens if my pay increases beyond the threshold, will I be paid less frequently?

    Going forward, you will remain on the semi-monthly pay cycle even if your pay increases beyond the New York State Article 6 salary threshold.


    Will this change how much I am paid?

    This change will not impact your overall earnings. You will receive your normal monthly amount distributed over two paychecks each month instead of one.


    How will this change affect deductions to my monthly paycheck? 

    Certain deductions, which are based on a flat dollar amount, will continue at the same dollar amount in your semi-monthly paycheck if not adjusted by you in HRMS. Deductions that you may have set at a flat dollar amount include your voluntary retirement contributions and any additional flat dollar federal and state income tax withholding you have established in HRMS. If your voluntary retirement deduction is set by a percentage of your wages or you have elected the maximum contribution, no changes are necessary. Similarly, deductions for United Way, URGIFT & Athletic Club, Parking, Medical/Dental, Long Term Care, VSP Vision Care, Optional Life Insurance, MetLife Legal Plan, Auto & Home and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)/Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) will be adjusted automatically.


    How do I change a flat dollar tax withholding in HRMS?

    Login to HRMS. Follow the path Main Menu –> Self Service –> Payroll and Compensation –> W-4 Tax Information. On that screen, update your extra withholding under Step 4: Other Adjustments. Click submit.

    How do I review my direct deposit information in HRMS?

    This change will not affect direct deposit instructions that you have previously submitted to HRMS.  However, you may review and/or make changes to that information in HRMS.

    Login to HRMS. Follow the path Main Menu –> Self Service –> Payroll and Compensation –> Direct Deposit. On that screen, update your dollar amount in the corresponding account(s). Click save.

    For more information, see page 8 of the HRMS Self Service User Guide at Helpful Information –> User Manual –> Employee Self Service Guide.

  • ————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
  • Tax Reporting Related to Health Care Worker Bonus Payments

If you received a NYS Healthcare Worker Bonus (HWB), it is not taxable income for New York state personal income tax purposes.

Due to NYS requirements, Box 16 (State wages) much match Box 1 (Federal Wages) on Form W2. The HWB amount is identified in Box 14 of the W2 as NY HWB. To ensure your HWB is exempt from NYS taxes when filing your NYS Income Tax Return, Form IT-225, New York State Modifications, must be completed and filed with your NYS Income Tax Return. Form IT-225 contains a subtraction modification to account for the HWB when you file your NYS Income Tax Return.

  • 2023 Fellowship/Assistantship Information is Now Available

2023 Fellowship/Assistantship information letters are now available in HRMS for viewing and printing. To view or print your letter, log on to HRMS with your NetID and password. Once you are logged into HRMS, follow the path: Main Menu > Self-Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Fellowship/Assistantship Statements.

If you have questions about your fellowship/assistantship letter, please contact the Payroll office at 5-2040 or email

  • 2023 Fellowship Information for Postdoctoral Fellows (095s)

Information letters for 2023 for Postdoctoral Fellows will be mailed by January 31, 2024. If you are a postdoctoral fellow (095) and have not received a fellowship letter by February 15, 2024, please contact the payroll office at 5-2040 or email

  • 2023 Forms 1042-S – In Process

2023 Forms 1042-S are not yet available. The University plans on issuing 2023 Forms 1042-S by the end of February.

For expedited access to your Form 1042-S, you must consent to receiving your Form 1042-S electronically in your Sprintax account.


Move from Glacier to Sprintax Calculus 

The University of Rochester Payroll Office has partnered with Sprintax Calculus, a leader in tax treaty benefit eligibility software, to ensure University of Rochester International Faculty, Staff, and Students remain compliant with IRS regulations.


Sprintax Calculus is a tool to ensure that International Faculty, Staff, and Students remain compliant with IRS regulations.

The system will aid individuals in determining their residency status and tax treaty benefit entitlements, as well as filing their tax returns (only available to non-residents).


Partnering with Sprintax allows International Faculty, Staff, and Students the peace of mind that comes with being assure that they are taxed correctly and that the right amounts are reported to the IRS. Sprintax has a dedicated staff of international tax professionals available 24/7 to answer your questions via email, telephone, or chat.

Additionally, when the tax deadlines roll around, Sprintax will be available to help all non-residents file fully compliant tax returns.


  • Login anywhere anytime! – Cloud-based, secure and automated nonresident tax solution.
  • Calculates tax withholding – The Sprintax system calculates nonresident tax withholding and determines whether you are eligible for any tax treaties or deductions.
  • Nonresident tax compliance guaranteed – Instant generation of tax forms (such as 1042-S, W-4, W-8BEN and more).
  • Tax residency determination – Determines tax residency status, based on the substantial presence test.
  • Easy to use admin & dashboards. Advanced reporting tools – Personalized reporting and management of your nonresident tax profiles.


University of Rochester Payroll is always here to help. If you are interested in registering for a Sprintax account to determine your tax treaty eligibility, simply email us at and we will send you an activation link via email.


Hello from the University of Rochester. This email is a request for you to activate your Sprintax Calculus account. Sprintax will store all information relevant to your tax residency and tax treaty eligibility (if applicable). Once your file is complete and accurate, you will be provided with the relevant tax forms that you can sign and upload to the document exchange in Sprintax.

By completing the Sprintax form it will ensure your U.S. income is taxed correctly and any applicable Tax Treaty benefits are provided. By not completing this form, it may result in a higher tax rate being applied to all of your income.

Please use the link below to create your login info and finalize your Calculus profile (if you are unable to click the link, just copy it into your browser’s address bar):


The general process you should follow after creating your account is:

  1. Complete/edit your profile
  2. Upload supporting documents (if applicable)
  3. Download, sign and reupload your applicable tax forms (8233, W4, W8-BEN, etc.) to the Sprintax document exchange

If you have problems with the Sprintax software, you may contact Sprintax’s customer support, or contact us at



International employees are sent an invite email. If you have not seen an email inviting, you to Sprintax you should request a login from the University of Rochester Payroll Office so that we can confirm you are not already in the system and not setting up a duplicate account.


Once you have been invited by University of Rochester Payroll Office and have registered, you can access your Sprintax profile at:


Sprintax Online Chat System

If you have questions at any time while using Sprintax, take advantage of their 24/7 live chat function for online assistance with a tax professional.

Email Sprintax

Once you’ve registered, you may direct questions to Sprintax by email at

Sprintax also has additional online resources:




Updates from the Payroll & Tax Compliance Office

  • Questions should be submitted by email: The fastest way to have your question or concern addressed is via email to Inquiries regarding paperwork and tax forms for international students and scholars should be sent to .  Emails will be reviewed during normal office hours. You may still call the main payroll office at 275-2040.
  • Paper paycheck distribution: All paper checks will be mailed to your address in HRMS. Check out the payroll website for steps you can take now if you receive paper checks.
  • Signatures on payroll forms: Scanned and electronic signatures and/or emails directly from the approver are acceptable as approvals for these forms.
  • Receiving and processing 220 and 800 forms:
    • 220 Forms: 220 forms can be emailed to Please ensure you include a contact person for the forms in your email, and that each form has the proper approvals and attachments.
    • 800 Forms: 800 forms can be emailed to In your email, please ensure that the proper certification and approvals are included.
  • Receiving and processing Forms W-4 and IT2104: Please do not email these forms to the Payroll office as they contain social security numbers (SSNs). Signed forms should be mailed to 175 Corporate Woods, Suite 100, Rochester, NY 14627 or via Intramural mail to Box 278893. Alternatively, view how you can make this change in HRMS here and avoid the mailing of forms.
  • Sprintax- tax compliance forms and documents : Any immigration documents that need to be sent to the Payroll Office should be uploaded to Sprintax. Questions can be emailed to .
  • Non-NY Sales Tax Exempt Certificates and Form W-9 Requests: Please send any requests for sales tax exempt certificates (for any state other than NY) and requests for Form W-9 to


Information Regarding Changes to Paper Paycheck Distribution Process

Beginning immediately, in consideration of the steps being taken by the University and New York state in support of public health, employees who receive paper paychecks will have their check mailed via the U.S. Postal Service to their address as provided in HRMS. Checks will no longer be sent to departments for distribution, nor will departments be able to pick up their department paper paycheck envelopes at the Payroll Office. This change also applies to fellowship/assistantship recipients who receive paper checks from the Payroll office as part of the semi-monthly payroll process.

As a result of this change, if you are receiving a paper paycheck, you should:

Consider enrolling in direct deposit

Direct deposit is the most convenient, timely and secure way to receive your paycheck. To set up direct deposit for your paycheck or fellowship/assistantship amount: log into HRMS, select Self Service>Payroll and Compensation>Direct Deposit. To set up direct deposit for travel and expense checks: log into HRMS, select Self Service>Travel and Expense>T&E Direct Deposit Account.

Ensure your home or mailing address is correct in HRMS

Your check will be mailed to your Home Address. If you have a Mailing Address and a Home Address in HRMS, your check will be mailed to your Mailing Address. You may verify or update your address in HRMS by selecting Self Service>Personal Information>Personal Details.

Students with a position in student employment should update their address in HRMS and UR Student. Failure to update in both systems can cause the HRMS address to be overridden by the information in UR Student.

Foreign nationals with a record in Sprintax should update their address in Sprintax and email with the change so that their HRMS record can be updated.

Students who receive their paychecks in their Campus Mail Center (CMC) box will continue to pick up their check at the CMC. If you would like your check sent to a different address, you will need to set up mail forwarding. To set up your mail forwarding, please visit:

Employees and students with direct deposit will be paid as usual.

Contact the Payroll Office with questions at or at 275-2040.


IRS Continues to Remind Taxpayers to do a Paycheck Checkup

The IRS launched a new Tax Withholding Estimator on the website.  It replaces and expands the old IRS Withholding Calculator.

The new tool offers employees a robust, mobile-friendly, step-by-step way to tailor the amount of income tax withheld from their wages.  The IRS urges everyone to do a paycheck checkup and review their withholding for 2023.

Those most at risk of having too little tax withheld include those who itemized in the past but now take the increased standard deduction, as well as two-wage-earner households, employees with non-wage sources of income and those with complex tax situations.

Please note that the Payroll Office is unable to answer any personal questions on taxation or amounts that an individual should have withheld.  Employees should seek advice from a tax professional on these matters.