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Mailing Address:
Box 278958
Rochester, NY 14627-8958
Phone (585) 275-8567

The Finance Department is comprised of the central operations of Accounts Payable, Financial Reporting & Accounting Operations, Research Accounting and Costing Standards, Payroll and Tax Compliance, Financial Systems Support, Bursar and Office of Budgets & Planning.


Mission Statement

We support and believe in the University’s Mission and Vision which is guided by Meliora or Ever Better. The University’s Finance Department is responsible for:

  • Providing high quality, efficient, effective, and accurate financial services to faculty, staff, patients, students and other customers
  • Establishing and communicating policies and procedures necessary to ensure proper and efficient use of University resources
  • Encouraging change through continuous process and quality improvement with a progressive vision towards the future
  • Safeguarding the University’s assets by ensuring and monitoring adherence and compliance with regulatory and other requirements from federal, state, and other regulatory bodies
  • Providing timely, accurate, and defensible reporting that will withstand audits and provide reliable and meaningful information for decision makers


Monthly Financial Close Schedule

Year End Close Schedule

2024 Consolidated Financial Statements

UR Financials


Contact Finance if you have any questions or concerns about this website.