History of Rock and Roll
"The World Before Rock and Roll (1900-1955)" (Chapter 1)
- The Music Business in the First Half of the 20th Century (7:25)
- Radio and Regional vs National Audiences (8:56)
- The Stars of Pop Music Before Rock and Roll (12:14)
- Les Paul, Inventor - The Role of Technology (6:04)
- Origins of Country & Western (pre WWII) (9:02)
- The Rise of Nashville (13:23)
- Rhythm and Blues (Pre 1945) (7:45)
- Rhythm & Blues (Post 1945) (11:25)
- Regional R&B Radio in the 1950s (6:44)
- Doo Wop and Gospel (6:22)
- Hokum Blues and Sexual Lyrics (5:23)
"The Birth and First Flourishing of Rock and Roll (1955-59)" (Chapter 2)
- The Rise of Youth Culture in the 1950s (11:31)
- Radio and Records (12:50)
- Crossovers and Covers (10:12)
- The First Rock and Rollers Cross Over (13:37)
- The Rise of Elvis Presley (12:45)
- Sam Phillips Selling Elvis Contract (3:16)
- Rockabilly in the Wake of Elvis (12:44)
- The Day the Music Died (11:19)
"The Demise of Rock and the Promise of Soul (1959-63)" (Chapter 3)
- Audiences and Marketing - The Search for the Next Elvis (4:16)
- The Brill Building Approach to Pop (8:05)
- Teen Idols (6:32)
- Producers and Girl Groups (9:27)
- Sweet Soul (7:08)
- TV, Movies, and Dance Crazes (15:15)
- The Folk Revival (10:55)
- Rockabilly Popsters (8:09)
- Surf Music (10:57)
"The Beatles and the British Invasion (1964-66)" (Chapter 4)
- Chapter 4 Intro (3:34)
- The Early 1960s in the US & UK (11:47)
- The Rise of the Beatles (11:05)
- Beatles as Students of American Pop Music (5:25)
- Beatles From Craftsmen to Artists (9:55)
- Blues in the UK (4:57)
- The Rolling Stones Emerge (7:47)
- The Stones in The States (5:37)
- Other British Bands (10:37)
- The Kinks and the Who (12:10)
"American Responses (1965-67)" (Chapter 5)
- Dylan as the New American Songwriter (11:53)
- Dylan Goes Electric (8:34)
- Folk Rock and the Byrds (11:47)
- The Phil Spector Legacy (12:04)
- Meanwhile, Back East (8:27)
- Garage Bands (8:55)
- TV Rock (14:36)
"Motown Pop and Southern Soul (1960-69)" (Chapter 6)
- Chapter 6 Preamble (7:12)
- Hitsville, USA: Motown (13:44)
- The Motown Performers (13:54)
- Soulsville, USA: Stax and Southern Soul (7:25)
- The Stax Performers (12:06)
- Motown, Stax, the British Invasion, and the American Response (6:37)
- James Brown (12:44)
"Psychedelia (1966-69)" (Chapter 7)
- LSD, Music, and the Trip (13:24)
- The Beginnings of the Hippie Aesthetic (8:52)
- Pushing the Envelope Beatles and Beach Boys (13:07)
- Psychedelia in San Francisco - Subculture (11:10)
- Psychedelia in San Francisco - Important Groups (13:52)
- Psychedelia in London and Underground Favs (11:35)
- Psychedelia in London - Mainstream Stars (10:35)
- Los Angeles and Elsewhere (11:51)
- A Hippie Nation (8:46)
"The Growing Rock Monster (1970-77)" (Chapter 8)
- Intro
- Blues Rock British Based
- American Blues Rock and Southern Rock
- Overview of the 1970s
- Jazz Rock
- Progressive Rock
- Singer Songwriters
- British and Canadian Singer Songwriters
- Theatrical Rock
- Country Rock
"Black Pop, Reggae, and the Rise of Disco (1970-79)" (Chapter 9)
- Black Pop in the 1970s Intro
- Sly Stone and the Rise of Funk
- Motown in the 1970s
- Philadelphia Sound
- Blaxploitation Soundtracks
- James Brown George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic
- The Rise of Reggae
- Disco
"Mainstream Rock, Punk, and New Wave (1975-79)" (Chapter 10)
- Chapter 10 Intro
- Mainstream Rock
- Continuities
- Leaner Prog Louder Singer-Songwriters
- US Punk 1967–75
- UK Punk 1974–77
- American New Wave 1977-80
- British New Wave 1977-80
- Summarizing the 1970s
"I Want My MTV (1980-89)" (Chapter 11)
- The Rise of MTV
- The Rise of MTV Part Two
- Michael Jackson and Madonna
- Prince and Janet Jackson
- MTV Success Stories
- New Traditionalists and New Wave
- New Acts Old Styles and Blue-Eyed Soul
- Dinosaurs Adapt and Thrive
"Heavy Metal, Rap, and the Rise of Alternative Rock (1980-89)" (Chapter 12)
- Chapter 12 Intro
- Heavy Metal Grows
- Heavy Metal Hits the Big Time
- Metal Ambition
- The Roots of Rap
- Rap Crosses Over
- CNN for Black People
- Punk Goes Hardcore
- Indie Rock Underground