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This policy applies to: All hourly paid staff, including those in Professional, Administrative, and Supervisory (PAS) job classifications.

Individuals represented by a collective bargaining unit should refer to their contract agreement.

I. Policy

Situations requiring overtime pay should be avoided whenever possible. When work demands require a staff member to work in excess of 40 hours in a work week the staff member is eligible for and must be paid overtime pay at a rate of one and one-half times his/her regular hourly rate of pay for the work week. Staff whose weekly work hours exceed 40 will be eligible for overtime pay. All work performed for the University regardless of where it is performed must be included in calculating weekly overtime as appropriate.

II. Guidelines

A. Definitions

  1. Work Day: The twenty-four consecutive hour period beginning at 12 a.m. on each calendar day.*
  2. Work Week: The 168 consecutive hour period (7 consecutive calendar days) beginning at 12 a.m. on Saturday.*

PLEASE NOTE: Individuals represented by a collective bargaining unit should refer to their contract agreement, as there may be a difference in the defined beginning of a workday or workweek.

B. Weekly Overtime Calculation

Overtime is paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a work week. Paid absence on a scheduled work day such as University holidays, vacation, PTO, jury duty, funeral leave, and sick leave shall not be considered as time worked for the purpose of computing weekly overtime.

C. Additional Considerations

“On call” and/or call-in payments are included in calculation of weekly overtime. Shift differential is included in the calculation of weekly overtime.

D. Staff is expected to work overtime when assigned. Reasonable notice should be given to staff when requirements are known in advance.

E. Pursuant to NYS Labor Law, no nurse will be required or mandated to undertake overtime work in excess of regularly scheduled hours, except where specified in the regulations.

III. Procedure

A. Department heads or their authorized representatives are responsible for the approval of overtime before overtime work is performed. Staff members may not authorize their own overtime.