
For Any Poets and Translators Not Busy on Valentines Day . . .

I should’ve posted this a few weeks back . . . You know, like more than 6 days before the due date . . . But nevertheless, if you have some spare time this weekend and are interested in spending a month at the Vermont Studio Center, you might want to apply for the Zoland Poetry Fellowship:

Beginning in 2009, Zoland Poetry and the Vermont Studio Center (VSC) will begin collaborating on two new annual writing fellowships at VSC’s international retreat center in Johnson, Vermont. The establishment of these ongoing fellowships will allow each organization to open up new creative opportunities, while providing valuable time for writers to focus on individual projects.

Applications will be open to both translators and poets working on contemporary English-language projects. The duration of each residency will be one month, and the cost will be fully covered by the fellowship. Previously VSC has accepted 12 writers each month for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction residencies, but this is the first time in VSC’s 25-year history that full fellowships are being made available for translators to cover the $3,750 cost of a one-month residency.

Each fellowship includes:

  • a private studio in the new Maverick Writing Studios building, including a networked printer and wireless Internet access
  • the presence of two Visiting Writers per month, each of whom gives a reading and a craft talk and offers optional individual conferences
  • access to the Mason House Conference Room & Library
  • the opportunity to share work at one of three monthly readings
  • publication in a forthcoming Zoland Poetry annual

Click here to apply, and really, I wasn’t kidding, the due date is 2/16 . . .

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