
TMR 18.3: “Why This Eternal Escaping?” [Ann Quin]

Dead dummies, drowned tramps, resolving the Oedipal complex, the forever incompleteness of the number “3,” sex, the sea, slapstick comedy, irony, competing desires of domesticity versus the desire to escape, the beautiful ending and the reverse coda, and much more is discussed on this episode covering the whole of Ann Quin’s Berg. 

Now Chad and Brian move on to Quin’s second novel, Three, which came out in 1969 and, in a way, begins right where we left off, opening  “with the disappearance at sea, possibly suicide, of a young woman, identified only as S.” You can get the book via And Other Stories, Bookshop, your local indie, or Amazon. This is the book that got Chad completely hooked on Quin, so read along and tune in!

This week’s music is “City of the Dead” by Superchunk.

You can watch next week’s discussion of Three live on YouTube at 4pm ET on Wednesday, November 9th. (Reading schedule can be found here.) And you can find all previous seasons of TMR on our YouTube channel.

And you can support us at Patreon and get bonus content before anyone else, along with other rewards, the opportunity to easily communicate with the hosts, etc.

Follow Open Letter, Chad Post, and Brian Wood for random thoughts and information about upcoming guests.

All of Ann Quin’s books are available through Bookshop.org, or at better bookstores everywhere. Be sure to order Brian’s book, Joytime Killbox, which is available at better bookstores everywhere thanks to BOA Editions.

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