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About the Candidates for the 2018-2019 UCTP and Faculty Senate Elections

Candidates listed alphabetically according to last name for each election.

UCTP Candidates (AS&E)

Kevin McFarland

Professor, Physics, School of Arts and Sciences

I joined the faculty of the University in 1998. My current research explores properties of neutrinos, and the possibility that differences between matter and antimatter neutrinos could have seeded the large imbalance between matter and antimatter in the Universe today. My research efforts require large scientific collaborations, and I’ve gain experience managing large organizations as a leader of these collaborations. I first was elected the Faculty Senate in 2009, and co-chaired the Senate in the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic years. One of my initiatives as co-chair was a revision of the faculty grievance policies which would increase peer input in grievances. It is the UCTP that will play the key role in this peer process. As I step down from chairing the Senate, I am interested in helping the UCTP organize for this new task, as well as helping it to serve effectively in its continuing role in advising the administration on the regulations that govern academic tenure and promotions.

UCTP Candidates (SMD)

Brent A. Johnson

Associate Professor, Biostatistics and Computational Biology, SMD

My broad research foci include improved quantitative methods for epidemiology and public health, and a substantial effort is dedicated to new statistical methods and experimental design for HIV treatment and prevention. I am currently the Associate Director of the Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology Core (Core E) for the UR Center for AIDS Research and transitioning to Director of Core E by the end of April 2018. I currently teach courses in the areas of survival analysis and longitudinal data analysis, but have also taught graduate-level courses in mathematical statistics and advanced statistical inference. I am relatively new to the University of Rochester having joined the faculty in 2014. Prior to 2014, I was Associate Professor (with tenure) of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Emory University in the Rollins School of Public Health. During my tenure at Emory University, I served terms on the Faculty Senate and Curriculum Committees in the School of Public Health. I also served on a University-wide Faculty Senate subcommittee on Parking and Transportation for 2 years through the planning phase of a major construction project at Emory University, where important issues regarding the safety of bicycle commuters were raised and discussed. Through my research and collaborations, I have learned that part of my responsibility and vocation is to advocate for those who do not or cannot advocate for themselves.


Antonia Kolokythas

Associate Professor, Department Head and Program Director, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, EIOH / SMD

My teaching, clinical and research interests are in maxillofacial surgery, specifically pathology and oral head neck cancer. I joined the University of Rochester family in 2015 as the Department Head and Program Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency training program. I completed my residency at the University of Illinois where I returned after my oncology fellowship training, as full time faculty and as program director of the residency training. I served in several committees at my previous institution and I wish to offer my services at my current organization. I am motivated to join the Faculty Senate because believe in diversity, inclusion and equality. Thank you for the consideration.

Susan McDaniel

Dr. Laurie Sands Distinguished Prof. of Families & Health, Psychiatry, SMD

My career is focused on families and health—how relationships can have both positive and negative effects on health, and health on relationships. A clinical psychologist, I came to the University of Rochester Medical Center after completing a postdoc in Houston, agreeing with my husband to stay 3 years for him to finish his training before we’d return South. That was 1980. I’m fortunate to have a stimulating, responsive environment to do the work I love and feel is so important. I am the Dr Laurie Sands Distinguished Professor of Families & Health, Director of the Institute for the Family in Psychiatry, and Vice Chair of Family Medicine. I do physician-patient communication research, leadership training for women, and developed and run the U of Rochester’s Physician Communication Coaching Program. I enjoy mentoring junior faculty, and oversee the academic development of faculty in the Institute for the Family and the mentoring and promotion process in the Department of Family Medicine. I have been active in national medical and psychology associations, and served as the President of the American Psychological Association in 2016. Since that experience, I am interested in contributing to our University community, which is why I would like to serve on the University Committee on Tenure and Privilege.
Susan H McDaniel PhD


Tatiana Pasternak

Professor, Neuroscience, SMD

I maintain an active research program focused on brain mechanisms underlying visual perception and memory. I teach in the Graduate Neuroscience Program and currently serve on its Advisory Committee. I have also served on the URMC Promotion and Tenure Committee and I am a current member of the UCAR, of the Executive Committee of the Center for Visual Science and had served several terms on the Faculty Senate. On the national stage, I was actively involved in the creation and governance of the Vision Science Society, serving as its President for two years. I have also been actively involved in the governance of the Society for Neuroscience, having served on several of its key committees and was elected as its Secretary for a 3-year term. I am also a reviewing editor on a number of journals and am a frequent reviewer for NIH and NSF.

For the past 3 years I have been serving on the UCTP as its regular member, recently stepping in as its Acting Chair, when its regular Chair recused himself from handling an issue with one of the Schools. In that role, I initiated a number of changes in the operation of the UCTP that were supported and adopted by its members and by the administration. I would like to have a chance to continue working on these initiatives. With my experience making decisions both locally and on the national stage, I believe that I will continue making valuable contributions to the activities of this important committee.


Faculty Senate Candidates

Jen Anolik

Associate Professor, Medicine, SMD

I joined the faculty in 2002 and am currently an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology. I am a board certified rheumatologist with a special research interest in lupus and other systemic autoimmune diseases and director of the UR Lupus Clinic. Our lab focuses on the role of B cells in human autoimmune disease and was part of the first group to investigate the use of rituximab in the treatment of lupus and the effects of B cell depletion on immune function in lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients. I have published extensively in the area of B cell biology, am a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation, and PI of an NIH Accelerating Medicines Partnership Network grant and co-chair of the Network ( As an MD PhD who trained at the University of Rochester, I have a strong interest in mentoring the next generation of physician scientists and have served as a mentor to dozens of UR undergraduates, graduate students, and fellows. Given my own strong connections to UR throughout my training and my commitment to mentoring students, I am interested in joining the Faculty Senate and contributing to fostering a supportive and inclusive community.


Kathryn Castle

Associate Professor, Psychiatry, SMD

I am currently the Director of Adult Ambulatory Services (outpatient) in the Department of Psychiatry and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the URSMD. I am a clinical psychologist, by training but currently functioning a purely administrative capacity. I also participate in the Psychology Education, within the Department of Psychiatry, as a teacher and clinical supervisor. I am an Associate Professor. I joined URMC in September 1998 and became faculty in 1999. I have spent my energies, thus far, in working and assisting with policy development within the Departments that I have been affiliated with and I am now interested in having a wider impact on the University and joining the Faculty Senate would allow to make a larger contribution.

Peter Christensen

Assistant Professor, Art History, AS&E

My teaching and research focuses on the architectural history of the 19th and 20th centuries, with a focus on Europe and the Middle East. I joined the faculty in 2014 after teaching at the Technical University of Munich. I serve on several interdisciplinary committees at UR including the Central New York Humanities Corridor, the program in the Archaeology and Technology of Historical Structures (ATHS), and the Digital Media Studies (DMS) program. I advise students in these programs as well as the Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies (VCS). I currently sit on the special Subcommittee for Grievance and Harassment Policy. My motivation to join the Faculty Senate stems from my interest to continue the work I began on this lattermost committee in the wake of recent events and to advocate for more awareness of issues facing the university’s LGBTQ community.

Rajiv Dewan

Xerox Professor of Business, Simon Business School

Professor Dewan served as the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research of the Simon School from 2009 to 2014. In this capacity, serving as the internal dean for the School, he managed the faculty, budget and human resources. Prior to that he served as the Faculty Director of all Masters programs, including the MBA program. He was also the Chair of the PhD Committee from 2006 to 2012.

Dewan has teaching and research interests in business analytics, organizational issues in management of information systems, the information technology industry and financial information systems. He has won three best paper awards for research, done in collaboration with his colleagues at the Simon School, in the use of information systems standards in organizations, on redesign of business processes and on management of web sites. His current research interests include effect of prediction errors on business decisions, the Internet industry, employment contracts in the software industry, use of standards in managing information systems, and the use of electronic documents in business workflow automation. His papers have appeared in Management Science, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the Journal of Computing, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers and other journals.

Prior to joining the Simon School, Dewan was a faculty member at Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, INFORMS, and the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society.

Kristin Doughty

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, AS&E

I joined the faculty in 2012. My research and teaching as a cultural anthropologist center in two domains: law/politics and energy/environments, with a geographic focus on Africa (specifically post-genocide Rwanda) and the prison industry of upstate New York. I am currently on the Executive Committee of the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African American Studies (FDI) and the Steering Committee of the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (SBAI). I have served on the Steering Committee of AS&E Faculty Council (2014-2016) and I currently sit on the College Diversity Committee.

Joshua Dubler

Assistant Professor, Religion, AS&E

I joined the Department of Religion and Classics in 2012. I am trained as an ethnographer of religion, and my teaching and research generally touch on issues of justice and injustice in the United States. I sit on the Humanities Project Executive Committee, I am a faculty advisor for the Legal Studies Program, and I founded and direct the Rochester Prison Education Project which fosters opportunities for UR faculty and students to teach in area prisons. It would be an honor to serve on the Faculty Senate. I am committed to helping the University of Rochester to become ever better as a place to learn, a place to work, and as a force for good in the community.

Sandhya Dwarkadas

Professor and Chair, Computer Science, AS&E


Gerald Gamm

Professor, Political Science and History, AS&E

The recent crisis on campus has raised fundamental questions about our values, our policies, and our leadership. Many times these last few months, the Faculty Senate has demonstrated its indispensable role as an arena for deliberation. Having served in the Senate in the past (including four years as chair or co-chair), I am eager now to return. My research is on state legislative politics, urban politics, race and ethnicity, institutional development in the U.S. Senate, and party polarization. I serve currently as chair of the Political Science Department. I serve also as the University’s NCAA faculty athletics representative, as an undergraduate advisor to many students, as an officer of Phi Beta Kappa, as faculty participant in the Urban Fellows Program, as vice-president of Temple Beth El, and as a member of the Preservation Board of the City of Rochester. Since my first years in Rochester, I have been involved in an array of university affairs—including committees focused on diversity and inclusion, family-friendly policies, the first-year experience, residential life, the Rochester Curriculum, the Interfaith Chapel, communications, and alumni outreach. My husband and I live in the city, coexisting happily with three dogs and six chickens.


Sina Ghaemmaghami

Assistant Professor, Biology, AS&E

I am a protein biochemist and my research involves the study of protein folding and degradation within cells. In addition to my basic research group, I am the director of the Mass Spectrometry Resource Laboratory (MSRL) at URMC. My teaching activities are primarily in the field of Biochemistry, where I have developed a number of undergraduate and graduate courses and teaching modules. One of my major educational interests is providing research opportunities for underrepresented minorities. As such, I have been an active participant in the Upward Bound program, the McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement program and community outreach programs with East High School. My major motivation for joining the Faculty Senate is to do my part to promote a culture of exemplary scholarship, inclusivity and respect at the university.


Thomas Gibson 

Professor, Anthropology, AS&E

My research and teaching concerns social, political and religious movements among the indigenous peoples of the Philippines and the Muslim peoples of Indonesia in particular and of Southeast Asia in general. I joined the Department of Anthropology in 1985, where I have served as Director of Graduate Studies for twelve years, and as Department Chair for eleven years. At the university level, I have served on a number of faculty committees in their formative years. I was a founding member of the Research Subjects Review Board for the Behavioral and Social Sciences in 1996-1999. After the reorganization of the Senate in 1999-2000, I was the first faculty member to chair the meetings of the Faculty Senate in 2000-2001. I was the first chair of the Humanities Project in 2006-2007. I was an elected member of the Decanal College Review Committee in 2010. I now serve on of the Executive Board of the Humanities Center and as co-chair of the Faculty Grievance Policy Committee. As a member of the Senate, I will continue to advocate for a greater role in university governance by elected faculty members and in grievance procedures by committees made up of faculty peers.


Bryan Gopaul

Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development

My teaching and research focus on exploring how privilege, hierarchy, advantage, and marginalization are manifested in various higher educational contexts. Specifically, I have assessed the socialization of doctoral students in Engineering and Philosophy, governance reform and decision-making processes at universities in Kazakhstan, and the changing academic profession. My current research seeks to examine the experiences of post-doctoral researchers, links between faculty mobility and institutional leadership, and civic engagement priorities at research universities.

I employ interactive and inclusive teaching techniques that acknowledge and celebrate multiple ways of learning. Further, I completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania and served as the graduate student representative for Division J (Post-Secondary Education) of the American Educational Research Association. Also, I act as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice and for the Canadian Journal of Higher Education. My interest to join the Faculty Senate is rooted in my commitment to link my scholarship with institutional efforts to examine and to advocate for inclusive practices.


Pierre Gourdain

Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy, AS&E

I am interested in the physics of matter under extreme conditions, as applicable to planetary formation and star evolution (see I have been involved with higher education throughout my career, first at UCLA, then Cornell University and finally, the University of Rochester. As a member of the faculty senate, I will promote excellence in education, advocate for diversity and support a stress-free campus environment.

Ralf Haefner

Assistant Professor of Brain & Cognitive Science, Physics & Astronomy, AS&E and Center for Visual Science

My teaching and research concern neuroscience, and in particular computational models of how prior knowledge and expectations interact with new sensory information to give rise to percepts and inform our decisions. Before joining UR in 2014 I received a PhD in physics, a Masters in Public Administration, worked in business, and completed postdoctoral fellowships in neuroscience, as well as various internships at NGOs and for-profits. During that time I lived in several countries, including the US, UK, Argentina and the Philippines. For the past two years I have been a member of the Faculty Council. I am running for Faculty Senate with the goal to increase diversity of viewpoints reflecting the international and multicultural nature of UR. In particular, my upbringing in East Germany and my time spent in different countries have sensitized me to the importance of clear and fair rules, and the importance of listening to all stakeholders before making important decisions.


C. Doug Haessig

Associate Professor, Mathematics, AS&E

I joined the Math Department faculty in 2010. My research is in number theory, specifically the interplay between arithmetic, geometry, and analysis. In addition to research and teaching, I am active in outreach and supervising undergraduate research. I have regularly attended the Faculty Senate meetings over the past 2 years. My motivation to join the Faculty Senate at this time stems from the need for faculty engagement related to policy decisions surrounding recent events at the University. I hope to work hard at making the University a place that everyone is proud to be a part of.

John Ingle

Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology, SMD


Courtney Jones

Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, SMD

I joined the University of Rochester faculty in 2013 and during this time I have engaged in multidisciplinary research, teaching, and mentorship. My research foci include the epidemiology of traumatic injuries and the quality of care provided to injured patients in emergency care settings. I also have an active role developing trainees from across the University including teaching undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in public health and epidemiology, as well as providing research methods education to medical students and residents. I am currently a member of one of the Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia Working Groups focusing on disparities in mentorship, support, and compensation. I have found tremendous professional fulfillment in this role and would like to pursue a formal position on the Faculty Senate to further foster a collaborative and inclusive environment for all members of our University community.

Paul Kingsley

Research Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology and the Center for Pediatric Biomedical Research, SMD

My primary responsibilities include performing research on developing, recovering, and diseased hematopoietic systems, primarily using animal model systems. I also mentor and teach graduate PhD and MD/PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and undergraduates performing independent research. I have been a faculty member at UR since 1995, working over 20 years with the same core team of investigators. Both my spouse and I received our MS and PhD degrees from UR, and my daughter recently graduated from UR with a STEM degree as well. Being a member of the Faculty Senate would be a service I can provide to this community that is truly part of my family. Extramural volunteer activities I am involved in are being a committee member for our local county political party, as well as VP for Outreach for The New Agenda, a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls. I would be honored to receive your vote to serve our community in the Faculty Senate.


Valentina Kutyifa

Associate Professor, Medicine, SMD

Valentina Kutyifa MD, PhD is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Dr. Kutyifa holds an MD and PhD in cardiology/cardiac electrophysiology, a Masters degree in health care management, and clinical research certificate from Harvard Medical School. Her research focus is cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, and heart failure, encompassing a wide array of studies related to diabetes, implantable cardioverter–defibrillators, cardiac resynchronization therapy, and technology innovations including the wearable cardioverter–defibrillator, subcutaneous ICD, and left ventricular assist devices. Her ultimate goal is scientific excellence and saving lives through research.

Dr. Kutyifa is designing and conducting large, multicenter, randomized clinical trials and large registry studies evaluating new technologies. She has authored over 130 peer-reviewed articles in renowned international journals, and frequently invited speaker at national and international conferences. She is a dedicated teacher and mentor of undergraduate, graduate students, internal medicine residents, and cardiology fellows, and she was recently awarded with a mentorship award at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Dr. Kutyifa has also been involved in multiple international collaborations yielding numerous publications.

Actively involved in the work of Faculty Senate Committees here at the University of Rochester, Dr. Kutyifa is currently chairing the Faculty Senate Research Policy Committee. In less than a year, the committee conducted a large survey on local research policies gathering valuable feedback from faculty. In response to the conducted survey, a new website is currently being launched sharing useful information and providing opportunity for continuous feedback.


Maria Marconi

Assistant Professor, Nursing, SON

As an Assistant Professional of Clinical Nursing at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, I am the Specialty Director of the Graduate Program in Nursing Education as well as the Specialty Director of the Health Care Organization and Management Graduate Program. I have been with the University of Rochester Medical Center since 1998. Previous to my appointment to the School of Nursing in 2005, I held clinical leadership positions as Associate Clinical Chief of Medical Nursing, Director of Career Development, and Administrator and Senior Nurse Manager for Ambulatory Women’s Health Services. My clinical practice is in Emergency Nursing and I have previously served as a Director of Emergency Nursing Services.

My educational background is Bachelor’s in Nursing from Long Island University, a Master’s in Nursing Administration and Health Care from Georgetown University, and an EdD in Educational Leadership from the Warner School at University of Rochester. My doctoral dissertation Academic Support Programs for Accelerated Nursing Students and Factors Influencing NCLEX Success in Accelerated Nursing Students.

My research interests and consulting are in the areas of nursing education, curriculum development, and nursing program assessment and accreditation, specifically in areas of NCLEX preparation and academic support for pre-licensure nursing students.

I look forward to being an active and engaged member of our Faculty Senate. Thank you for consideration of my nomination.

Camille Anne Martina

Research Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences and Environmental Medicine, SMD

My primary focus in research is public health implications of endocrine disrupting compounds exposures prenatal/postnatal that effect health, as well as, social determinants of academic success, program evaluation, mentoring and career development of underrepresented groups, and educational policies analysis. I joined the University of Rochester in 1999, first as a PhD graduate student and then as faculty in the School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2005, after completing a pre-doctoral fellowship at The Center for Globalization and Europeanization Networks in Education, at the University of Bristol, England, in 2004. I have served on the Faculty Senate since 2015, and the Medical School Admissions Committee, 2013-2017. My motivation to serve on the Faculty Senate is to provide authentic representation and “voice” to non-tenure track full-time and part-time faculty who have research and clinical faculty appointments in the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

LaRon Nelson

Assistant Professor, Nursing, SON

My research interest focuses on improving HIV prevention and treatment outcomes among African and African descendent communities in Ghana, Canada and the United States. My teaching centers on population health and epidemiology/ I hold a leadership position as Associate Director of International Research with the Center for AIDS Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center. I served one term as a faculty senator and a member of the senate executive committee (SEC) and I chair the SEC Faculty Club Subcommittee. Additionally, I have served on the President’s Commission on Race and Diversity and currently serve on the Commission on Women and Gender in Academia. I am a firm believer that greater faculty involvement in university governance will have tremendous long-term benefits for the success our institution. I am seeking re-election to continue contributing to the initiatives led by the faculty senate and SEC to improve our university environment.

Lisa Norsen

Professor, Nursing, SON


Telva Olivares

Professor, Psychiatry, SMD


Avi Seidmann

Xerox Professor of Computers and Information Systems and Operations Management, Simon Business School

Professor Seidmann is the author of over one hundred research articles, and in October 2012 he was named a “Distinguished Fellow” by the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and the Information Systems Society of INFORMS. The award was given to him in recognition of his contributions to the information systems discipline. In October 2011, he also won the WITS 2012 Best Instructional Technology award for developing the highly interactive business simulation software. This software has been in use by dozens of leading universities around the globe. In addition, he received several distinguished awards for his research including the Award for Best Research Paper at the 16th International Conference on Information Systems, presented in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He also won the best paper award at the 1998 Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, in Kohala, Hawaii. In 1999 he was given at the WISE meeting a special recognition award for writing “The Best paper on Information Systems and Economics.”

Professor Seidmann has great interest in developing digital technologies that deliver better care for chronically ill patients. Several of his recent peer reviewed papers on this topic are frequently cited by the medical literature. Together with Professor Ray Dorsey they initiated and run the dHealth Summit which is specifically designed to facilitate productive interactions between senior policy makers – who determine what gets paid, digital medical technology developers (entrepreneurs, and VC’s) – who bring in the most innovative solutions, and leading clinicians – who ultimately investigate medical safety, and efficacy. Their goal is to attract more attention primarily to the area of chronic care which is currently labor intensive, and where patients, care givers, and families carry a huge physical, psychological, and economic burden while caring for their loved ones. Proper digital technologies can rapidly reduce the patient’s burden, improve outcomes, and reduce cost.


Chris Seplaki

Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences, SMD


Raymond Tan

Professor, Imaging Sciences, SMD

Dr. Tan is Professor of Imaging Sciences at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Chief of Medical Imaging at Highland Hospital. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and History at Union College and his M.D. from Albany Medical College through the Accelerated BS/MD program. At the University of Rochester, he completed his radiology residency and served as Chief Resident. Dr. Tan completed his fellowship in Musculoskeletal Imaging at the University of Rochester.

His primary specialties are musculoskeletal imaging, gastrointestinal imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but his clinical practice covers the spectrum of medical imaging. Dr. Tan has had several research collaborations, most recently with the Department of Orthopedics. Dr. Tan led Highland Hospital’s team at the ACR national research trial on Virtual Colonoscopy and was the first to offer this technology in Western New York. Among his publications Professor Tan co-authored a textbook on MRI that has been translated into seven languages.

Dr. Tan serves on numerous clinical and administrative committees at Highland Hospital and in the Department of Imaging Sciences at the University of Rochester.

Stephen Teitel

Professor, Physics, AS&E

My research interest is in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics, particularly in the area of statistical mechanics and critical phenomena. Current research uses large scale numerical simulations to investigate the behavior of granular materials near the jamming transition. I joined the University in 1986 and have been Associate Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy since 2013. I am a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and have twice been the recipient of my Department’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. I have no prior experience on the Faculty Senate.


Bradley Turner

Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, SMD

I am board certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and in Family Medicine. I practiced Family Medicine for several years and I have provided urgent care consultations for almost fifteen years in various venues.

My primary clinical and teaching focus at this time is sub-specialization in breast and gynecological pathology. My academic work currently focuses on evaluating histologic variables which may provide cost-efficient and cost-effective prognostic and predictive outcome data for breast cancer patients. I also collaborate with Dr. Ed Brown (URMC) and Dr. Kate-Rittenhouse-Olson (University at Buffalo), providing pathology expertise on how the tumor microenvironment contributes to breast cancer recurrence and metastasis, and on the value antibodies that potentially target cancer tissue using immunohistochemistry in “in-vivo” models.

I joined the URMC faculty in 2012, and am the Co-director of the Breast Pathology Fellowship. I also serve on the medical school Admissions Committee and the Medical Faculty Council.

I am active in the community through several organizations serving on the boards of the Black Physicians Network of Greater Rochester, Inc, and the Anthony L. Jordan Health Corporation, as well as a den leader in the local Cub scouts in Pittsford (Pack 341), and having active involvement as the Grammateus in my fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi.

I am motivated to serve on the Faculty Senate because I would like to provide departmental perspectives regarding the academic function and welfare of the University. In addition, given the current atmosphere surrounding not only UR, but Universities around the country, as an African American male I feel I can provide valuable individual perspectives regarding the academic function and welfare of the University. As per the Faculty Senate charter, I believe I would be a responsible channel of communication between and among the various faculties of the University and between the collective faculties and the President and the Provost of the University.

Armando Villarreal

Associate Professor, Neurosurgery and Neuromedicine Pain Center, SMD

I have been practicing Pain Medicine for over a decade, and during that time, I have been in charge of creating a Comprehensive Pain Program, as well as functioning as acting director in another program. My career has taken me to take leadership positions at several national as well as international pain organizations, as well as performing research in the area of neuromodulation. I join the faculty of the University of Rochester about 7 years ago, and ever since then, my professional career has continued to prosper. My interest on becoming part of the faculty senate derived from my sense of responsibility as citizen of this institution to contribute to the continued improvement and development of the university as a center of excellence in education, research and service to the community.

John (Jack) Werren

Nathaniel & Helen Wisch Professor of Biology, AS&E

My teaching and research concern evolution, behavior, genetics, and symbiosis. I joined the faculty in 1986. I am extensively involved in educational outreach, including developing course modules for high schools and colleges, organizing educational outreach workshops, and providing research experiences for undergraduates. I have served on the Goergen Institute for Data Science Steering Committee, Genomics Research Center Advisory Committee, and I have organized several international meetings, including Gordon Research Conferences on Ecological & Evolutionary Genomics. I am a fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and recipient of the Humboldt Prize. My motivation for joining the faculty senate is to promote the inclusion of the university community in important policy decisions.


Christa Whitney-Miller

Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Director, Surgical Pathology Unit, SMD

I am a surgical pathologist who focuses on GI and Liver pathology. My research interests are in HER2 overexpression in GI malignancies and the impact of subspecialization in surgical pathology. I was recently named the director of surgical pathology for URMC. I am a native Rochesterian, left for my education and returned in 2009 to join the faculty of SMD. My husband is also on faculty in SMD. We live in Brighton with our four school age daughters. I am honored to be nominated as a candidate and believe that as a part of the larger university community I could help to foster relationship among the different schools.

Danielle Wilbur

Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics, SMD


This page last revised: April 2, 2018