Students experiencing a conflict can contact the CSCM to be connected with a staff member who will listen to the student and discuss which of the conflict resolution processes available at the UR would be the most helpful in resolving the problem. If, after this conversation, the student decides that s/he would like to participate in a conflict resolution process, a specially trained facilitator will be assigned to work through the process with them. Facilitators may be a staff member within the CSCM, or one of the over 30 trained facilitators from across the University. There are several conflict resolution processes offered by the CSCM.
All of the conflict resolution processes available at the UR are voluntary and confidential. If an agreement is made between the disputing parties it will be one that was created and agreed to by the students involved in the conflict, not an administrator or other 3rd party. If you would like to speak with a staff member about a dispute you are experiencing you can call the office at (585) 275-4085, e-mail .
Conflict Resolution Processes
Mediation is a dispute resolution process during which a trained, neutral facilitator meets with parties involved in a conflict and helps them resolve the issue by providing guidelines for communication and ensuring that everyone involved has a chance to speak.
For more information about mediation please see the brochure below or contact the CSCM.
Restorative Circles
Restorative Circles is a dispute resolution process based upon the principles of restorative justice. Circles seek to address conflicts by;
- Providing opportunities for dialogue, direct or indirect, between offending parties and those they have harmed by their actions
- Encouraging collaborations between the offending parties rather than isolating them
- Showing respect for all parties including offenders, impacted individuals and facilitators
Restorative circles is used at the University of Rochester when an incident or conflict is impacting a group of community members. Restorative circles is also used in some disciplinary cases involving interpersonal or intergroup conflicts, if the director of the CSCM believes that the traditional disciplinary process is unlikely to be successful at resolving the conflict. For more information about restorative circles please see the brochure below or contact the CSCM.
Restorative Circles Brochure [pdf]
Dialogue is a facilitated conversation during which people with different beliefs and perspectives seek to develop mutual understanding about a particular topic. Participants in dialogue often gain fresh perspectives on the conflict and begin to see new possibilities for interaction and action outside of the dialogue room.
At the University of Rochester we use dialogue programs to address issues impacting our community on a large scale. Some examples of topics that have been discussed at dialogue programs at the UR in the past, include, but are not limited to; changes to the alcohol policy, the role of scavenger hunts on campus and how bias related incidents impact our campus.
Conflict Coaching
Conflict coaching is a 1:1 meeting between a CSCM staff member and a student interested in resolving a conflict without the assistance of a 3rd party. During the conflict coaching session, the staff member assists the student in identifying conflict management strategies that are targeted specifically to their particular situation and that can be implemented without a 3rd party facilitator. Not only can conflict coaching assist students in resolving the immediate conflict concerning them, but it can help students develop strategies for more effectively addressing conflict in the future.
Conflict Resolution Training
The CSCM provides training opportunities for students and professional staff members interested in mediation, conflict coaching, restorative circles and general conflict resolution skills. If you or your group is interested in participating in training, please call the office at (585) 275-4085 or e-mail