Aging Research Studies
Our mission is to bring together faculty, students, and staff engaged or interested in Aging Research. Aging Studies is a broad field, which is being researched by basic biologists using organisms from yeast to human, clinicians, and psychologists. Individual aging researchers are scattered in multiple University of Rochester Departments and Schools. Our activities promote intellectual exchange between researchers from multiple diverse Departments and Schools, facilitate collaborations, and attract new students into Aging Research.
The major event organized by the Aging Studies cluster is Aging Research Day, which is held in the Spring. The activities include short talks by the U of R faculty and postdocs involved in Aging Studies followed by a keynote talk by an invited keynote speaker, recognized for his/her contributions to Aging Research.
Andrei Seluanov — Co-Chair
(585) 275-6636
Dirk Bohmann — Co-Chair
(585) 273-1446