Cluster Report
Please submit the report as an electronic document (no need to send a hardcopy anymore) to:
In the header of each page, type the name of your cluster, the name(s) of the chairpersons, and the page number.
I. State your clusters general mission(s) and the community(s) it serves:
(Please limit this section to 100 words.)
II. Summarize your cluster's activities during the last fiscal year:
(Please limit this section to two double-spaced typed pages.)
- List activities and briefly describe their purpose and content.
- Include information about participants (Departments, Colleges, Centers, etc.) and participant numbers in attendance at events. Make a note of research, curriculum, and outreach activities.
- Highlight accomplishments such as collaborations established or publications that developed from collegial interactions initiated or promoted by cluster activities.
- Attach posters or other event material as an appendix.
III. Present the past year's budget:
- In table form, please document and include how much was received (sources) and how much was spent (expenses).
- In paragraph form, explain your budget. Please use less than 300 words.
- Describe efforts to obtain other sources of funding. Explain expenditures. If relevant, explain under- or overspending. Clearly indicate how funds were used to cost-share with other clusters, departments, etc. to fund events or activities.
IV. Proposed events and activities:
- In less than 200 words, describe your cluster's plans for the next two years. Note that we try to fund clusters for two years so that activities can be scheduled in the fall. Emphasize the next year, but look forward to two years out.
V. Next year's budget request with justification:
- It is likely that no cluster will receive more than $4500 for each of the next two years. Please justify how you would spend these funds.
- Note that UCIS funds should not be spent on cash awards, trophies, or other incentives. Nor should UCIS funds be used to supplement normal departmental or center activities. Please consider the criteria described at the bottom of this page.
VI. Free response section:
(Please try to limit this section to less than one typed page.)
- Here you may add anything you think might help the steering committee better assess your cluster. You may also use this section to make suggestions and comments about UCIS.
Some guidelines for successful UCIS clusters:
- UCIS cluster programs must be interdisciplinary. Cluster members must represent multiple departments and at least two schools. Activity reports should demonstrate that the programs are truly interdisciplinary. Co-chairs from distinct departments or centers, and diverse steering committees are encouraged.
- UCIS funds are not meant to supplement normal departmental activities such as seminar programs, speaker series, or graduate student activities. UCIS funds should be viewed as seed money for creative initiatives that aim to generate interdisciplinary centers of excellence on campus.
- Individual clusters should endeavor to advertise their own missions and activities in order to attract new participants from the broader university community. UCIS should be acknowledged at cluster events.
- Clusters should aim to develop programs with both research and curricular value to undergraduate and graduate students.
- Upon receipt of this coming year's reports, the steering committee will carefully review the activities of each cluster. Clusters that are inactive (do not spend their allocation), are not making efforts to obtain supplementary funds to grow their programs, or are too narrowly focused will likely be placed on a year's probation or possibly canceled.