Susan Sontag Translation Prize
The Susan Sontag Foundation recently released information about their 2009 translation prize, this time awarding young translators working on Spanish into English projects:
This $5,000 grant will be awarded to a proposed work of literary translation from Spanish into English and is open to anyone under the age of 30. The translation must fall under the category of fiction or letters, and the applicant will propose his or her own translation project. The project should be manageable for a five-month period of work, as the grant will be awarded in May 2009, and the translation must be completed by October 2009.
I think this is a really cool prize, and was very impressed with the work the 2008 winners (Kristin Dickinson, Robin Ellis, and Priscilla Layne) did on Koppstoff: Kanaka Sprak vom Rande der Gesellschaft by Feridun Zaimoglu.
There’s still plenty of time for any and all young translators out there to apply. And even if you’re not applying, you should definitely check out the redesigned website—it looks really slick.
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