Thanks, Donors, Donating, and Free Books.
We’re in the midst of our Three Percent/Open Letter Annual Campaign (don’t worry, this won’t go on forever), and we just want to say “thank you” to those you who have already contributed by making a donation.
We’re not done, though, and we’re still a ways from our goal . . .
First off: We really like giving out free things much more than asking for anything (to be honest, we think we’re much better at the former than that latter, too). So, in that spirit, 1 in every 10 donors (making a gift of any amount) will receive a free Open Letter book of their choosing. (Once the campaign wraps up, we’ll get in touch with the winners to find out your free book selection.)
To reiterate a key point from our special appeal: Your shared interest/excitement/involvement is why we do all this. And, by the same token, your support is a huge part of how we’re able to keep Three Percent one of the best literary sites out there, to find/translate/publish ten books a year from around the world, to run our asses off getting great international lit into the hands of as many readers as possible, to host free events and put them online for everyone, to work with the University of Rochester to educate a new generation of literary translators, and on and on . . .
No one has cash to spare, we know. If you enjoy reading Three Percent or Open Letter’s books, get excited about international literature, and think our culture is damn better because of it, though, we hope you’ll take a moment to make a contribution of any size.
On a side note, let us just say that the direction of the giving and gratitude here should always be pointed from us toward you for being interested/excited/involved with Three Percent, Open Letter, and international literature in general. It does seem weird, then, that we’d ask you for more, but nonprofits like us need help from a base of individual supporters. Without all of you, we’d wouldn’t be here tomorrow. We hope, from where you’re standing, our mission is one that you value supporting, too.
(And on a specific note: We are a 501(c)(3), all contributions are tax-deductible, and you can donate online or via mail.)
Again, thanks.
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