Catching up on Season Four of the Two Month Review
As you hopefully noticed, earlier this morning the eighth episode of the current season of the Two Month Review went live. This was the seventh straight week of talking about Georgi Gospodinov’s incredible novel, The Physics of Sorrow, which was translated from the Bulgarian by Angela Rodel. And the eighth write-up by Santiago Morrice will be up in just a couple days.
Given how much content we’ve produced for this season of the Two Month Review, and how daunting it could be to get into if you missed the beginning, I thought I’d do a quick summary post now collecting all of the various pieces from this season, making it a little bit easier for those of you who are interested in catching up.
One quick note first: Although this series is based in the idea of reading a single book over a multi-week period, I’m not convinced that you need to start from the beginning, or even read the whole book before listening to these episodes. Would it be helpful? Sure. But the spirit of the Two Month Review is to bring together a few smart, literary people to use a given section of a book as a starting point for a discussion that is likely to meander and expand outward. Each episode does dig into the construction of the work in question, and what makes it good, but there’s also a lot of outside knowledge that comes into the conversation.
Main point: You can enjoy this podcast even if you aren’t reading the book! So subscribe today and chime in with your thoughts and comments!
Here are all of Santiago’s articles, all of the podcasts, all of everything that we’ve produced (so far) about Georgi Gospodinov’s amazing novel:
Gospodinov, the Curator; The Physics of Sorrow, the Time Capsule
That should make it a bit easier to catch up on the current season of the Two Month Review. Again, you can dip into these as you want. These are written and recorded with the idea in mind that not all the listeners/readers will have read the book already.
And if you’re all caught up, be sure and watch us talk about the ending of the book on Monday.
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