
TMR Fresán Relisten Ep. 16: “Wuthering Heights Is Weird” [THE DREAMED PART]

Welcome to the Great Fresan Relisten of 2023! Over the next four weeks, we’ll be reissuing an episode a day from the The Invented Part and The Dreamed Part seasons of TMR so that you can catch-up, refresh your memory, have a few laughs, etc., before the May 10th launch of Season 19 on The Remembered Part.

Here are the show notes from the original airing:

Chad reaches a new quarantine low at the beginning of this week’s episode (highly recommend checking out the video version), but after a lot of banter and deep dives into international speculative fiction, The Invention of MorelLost, and more, Chad and special guest Rachel Cordasco break down the first part of the “Brontë/Wuthering Heights” section of The Dreamed Part. They get you up to speed with Penelope (The Writer’s sister) who is spending her days at Our Lady of Our Lady of Our Lady . . . fixated on Emily Brontë’s singular masterpiece.

This week’s music isn’t from The Dreamed Part. It’s a new song from Woods called “Where Do You Go When You Dream?” (Lyrics on the outro are perfect.)

You can purchase each of the books in the trilogy separately (InventedDreamedRemembered, OR, if you don’t have them and are ready for the reading event of 2023, then get The Part Trilogy for $40—approximately 30% off.

You can find all previous seasons of TMR on our YouTube channel aaand you can support us at Patreon and get bonus content before anyone else, along with other rewards, the opportunity to easily communicate with the hosts, etc. And please rate us—wherever you get your podcasts!

Follow Open Letter, Two Month ReviewChad Post, and Brian Wood for random thoughts and information about upcoming guests.

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