Dubravka Ugresic’s “A Muzzle for Witches”
To mark the release of Dubravka Ugresic's final book, A Muzzle for Witches (translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursać)—order it now from our website, or your local indie bookstore!—we thought we'd share an excerpt, which you'll find below. As a bit of context, this book is a conversation between ...
A Balance of Plot and Place (Two Month Review: #5.03-5.04: FOX by Dubravka Ugresic – Blog Post)
Last week, Chad and Brian were joined by Ellen Elias-Bursác, one of the Fox translators, for an incredible discussion on the second half of “A Balancing Art.” Ellen was enamored with the dynamics between the Widow and Ugresic’s narrator, the former finding success managing the works of her late husband and the latter ...
Is this All Fox-y Enough? (Two Month Review: #5.02: FOX by Dubravka Ugresic – Blog Post)
Last week, Chad, Brian, and returning special guest Tom Flynn of Volumes Bookcafe broke down some of the bigger elements of the introductory section of Dubravka Ugresic’s Fox, including the all-important question: is Ugresic’s fox metaphor fox-y enough? We’ll take our own look at some segments of this opening section ...
Two Month Review: #5.02: FOX by Ugresic (“A Story about How Stories Come to Be Written”)
This week's podcast is pretty fast and loose, with Fortnite disruptions, embarrassing pronunciations, lots of ribbing, and a deep dive into the various games going on in Part I of Dubravka Ugresic's Fox, "A Story about How Stories Come to Be Written." Starting from Pilnyak's story of the same name, this section revolves ...
Two Month Review: #5.01: An Introduction to Dubravka Ugresic
The new season is here! For the next two months, Chad and Brian will be talking about Dubravka Ugresic's Fox with a wide range of guests. To kick things off this week, Chad talks about Ugresic's writing career and his history of publishing her, and Brian comes up with a great challenge for our listeners and a running gag ...
Video of Two Month Review, Season Five, Episode One: Introducing Dubravka Ugresic
For those of you who missed it live! Bunch of new stuff this season, like, being prepared, and a contest involving the best Amazon reviews. Listen below for all the details. . . . . . . . . . For whatever reason, I can't get this video to embed. Either I'm an idiot (ding! ding! ding!) or the new website is ...
New Two Month Review Season Starts 6/11!
After a bit of a hiatus, we're back! Starting tonight (Monday, June 11th) at 9pm, Brian and I are going to tackle Dubravka Ugresic's latest novel--Fox. Here's what Kirkus Reviews had to say about it in their STARRED review: Another tricky treasure from an internationally renowned author. Ugresic has been in exile from ...