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Research Policy Committee

About Us

The Faculty Research Policy Committee serves as a conduit and focal point for faculty discussions with the administration regarding policies that govern research at the University, and will serve as an advisory body to the administration on such policies.

The  members  of  the  committee consist  of  nine  faculty  members eligible to vote for the Faculty Senate, and members of the administration selected by  the  Senior  Vice  President  for  Research  who  will  serve  ex  officio.  Committee membership  should  include  at  least  one  member  of  each  academic  unit  (AS&E, SMD,  SON,  Warner,  Simon,  Eastman),  unless  the  current  Senate  Executive Committee  members  from  a  particular  school  assert  that  there  is  no  need  for representation from the school.


Name School / Office Department / Affiliation Term Expires
Paul Brookes SMD Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Dec 2026
Jiebo Luo Hajim Computer Science Dec 2026
Brea Lipe SMD Hematology/Oncology Dec 2025
Ying Meng SON SON Faculty/Research Dec 2026
Silvia Sorensen Warner Counseling and Human Development Dec 2025
David Temperley (Co-Chair) ESM Music Theory Dec 2024
Madalina Tivarus SMD Imaging Sciences Dec 2025
Charles Wasley Simon Grad Faculty Dec 2026
Ann Marie White (Co-Chair) SMD Psychiatry Dec 2024
Steve Dewhurst SMD Interim Vice President for Research ex officio
Gunta Liders ORPA Associate VP for Research and Project Administration ex officio
Elizabeth Milavec Finance Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer ex officio
Sally Norton SON Associate Dean for Research, SON ex officio
John Tarduno SAS Dean for Research ex officio
Paula Vertino SMD Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research ex officio