Dissertation Manual
Students can reference the content and drop-downs below for understanding their dissertation requirement and the thesis defense process. Reference a downloadable PDF version of this guidance.
Including previously published materials in your thesis.
Are you planning to include previously published materials in your thesis? If you do, you need to check the copyright status of those materials and, if necessary, request permission form the copyright owner to re-use them, even if you are the author.
Copyright is a legal protection provided to creators of original works of authorship registered in a tangible medium. It gives copyright owners the exclusive right to copy, distribute, perform, adapt or display their works. Many academic authors transfer their copyright to publishers when they publish a book or an article, which means they might need the publishers’ permission to re-use those materials.
Before requesting permission, check your copyright transfer contract with the publisher to see if they already gave you some rights back, such as the right to re-use the materials in your own publications. If not, check the publisher’s website to find information about “Rights and Permissions”. Most academic publishers have agreements with the Copyright Clearance Center to process those type of requests; it is common to see a link saying “Get permissions” somewhere on the book/article/journal or publisher website. Re-use of materials that you authored on your own thesis is usually free of charge.
If there is no easy link to request permissions on the publisher’s website, you may have to contact them directly. Here is an example of the type of information you should include in your permissions request. Remember to keep all the documentation for your records since you might have to share those permissions when submitting your thesis to UR Research and ProQuest.
Still unsure or need more information? Check the following presentation slides or set up an appointment with a Scholarly Communication specialist:
- Moriana Garcia (River Campus Libraries – River Campus)
- Linda Hassman (Miner Libraries – University of Rochester Medical Center)
- Jonathan Sauceda (Sibley Library – Eastman School of Music)
Preparing for your defense
At least six months before you plan to defend your dissertation, you should contact the graduate coordinator of your program for details regarding the submissions defense. During the months leading up to the anticipated defense, your graduate coordinator will walk you through the process and explain any department specific nuances.
You also will want to take full advantage of internal reviews of the dissertation before uploading the thesis for defense registration, in order to minimize the number of errors in the registration version.
Pay careful attention to the five PhD degree cycle deadlines. In each degree cycle, there is a deadline for the last day to complete your degree requirements, consisting of uploading the final abstract and dissertation to ProQuest®, submitting a UR Research authorization form, and completing two required surveys. There are no exceptions to the deadlines.If a deadline is missed, your name cannot be approved by the Council on Graduate Education and presented to the Board of Trustees until the following degree date.
Before the defense is scheduled, your graduate coordinator will need:
- PDF of the Thesis
- Names of all committee members
- Faculty person that has been contacted and confirmed to be the Chairperson
- Definitive date and time that all committee members have agree upon
- Name as you would like it to appear on the Diploma
- Your personal e-mail address that will be active for up to 3 months after graduation date.
- A complete address to use for commencement and diploma mailings- that will be active for up to 3 months after graduation date.
- Your ORCID
- Zoom link, if applicable.
thesis presentation competition
Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
Consider signing up for the University’s Three Minute Thesis competition as another way to prepare. Students are challenged to describe their thesis research to a global audience—in only three minutes.
Assessing learning outcomes
After the oral defense, each faculty member of each final oral defense committee completes an evaluation of the rigor of the defense process and of the candidate’s degree of achievement of the University’s PhD Learning Outcomes. Because the PhD degree is granted by the University rather than by the individual schools, end-of-program PhD learning outcomes that apply to all disciplines are identified and assessed at the University level.
As part of these learning outcomes, the University PhD graduate must have demonstrated the ability to:
- Select and defend important problem or topic for study
- Demonstrate mastery of relevant knowledge in the field
- Apply rigorous methods of the discipline
- Produce a valuable product and accurately appraise its importance
- Communicate effectively in academic writing
- Effectively defend the work when questioned.
After the defense
The committee chair will certify the outcome and submit that information the University Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs office.
The student must make all corrections to the dissertation. This includes any identified by the committee, as well as corrections the graduate program staff asked for. A document prefaced with the letters UGE has been saved to the record in the PhD defense registration site.
Once corrections are made and approved as instructed above, the student will create an account and upload the final corrected copy to ProQuest/UMI. The student retains the copyright for the dissertation and it remains the student’s intellectual property.
- The student will go to this website and create an account. Be sure all information is entered accurately.
- Complete the ProQuest publishing agreement form.
- The final uploaded copy in ProQuest is inspected by University Graduate Education staff to be sure all corrections were captured.
- Complete the UR research authorization form indicating choices for access. Click here for the UR Research Form (Online).
- One may limit access to the dissertation for a certain period of time. If that time expires, an email to UnivGradEducation@UR.Rochester.edu to extend the embargo will be required.
- Complete the University of Rochester PhD Experience Survey and the National Survey of earned Doctorates. The University Graduate Education office will automatically be notified once these surveys are complete.
- The ratings and related comments from both students and faculty are analyzed by University Graduate Education at least annually, in aggregated and de-identified form. Results are reported to the University Council on Graduate Studies and leaders of graduate programs to inform program improvements.
Please view your school academic calendars to understand the specific registration dates and requirements for graduation. Links to academic calendars are available on this page.
Once a student completes all these steps, they will receive a confirmation email from Proquest and a confirmation email from the University.
After your graduation date
The Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs office will be in contact to confirm correct name spelling on the diploma and to collect a valid mailing address that will be good for 6-8 weeks. If a student has a U.S. address, the diploma will be mailed directly from the company via USPS. If the student supplies an international address, we will receive the diploma and mail it back out with tracking information to the student.
Each of these processes is taking longer than expected because of the current COVID-19 mailing conditions.
In general, you will receive your electronic diploma about a week after you graduate and it will take another 6-8 weeks to receive the paper copy. Diplomas are mailed to the graduate in tubes.
The University bookstore has options for diploma covers.
Get additional information on Diploma and Transcript Orders.
PDF manual
Download the full dissertation guide
An in-depth PDF version of this guidance is available. Download the guidelines now.
Still have questions?
We encourage you to reach out to the graduate coordinator of your program for information specific to your needs. We’ve also compiled this additional dissertation resources guide with external resources that can help you understand copyright details, embargo processes, and more.
However, if you have general questions or feedback on this dissertation guide, you can submit them via the form below.