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Department Processing for New and Incoming J-1 Scholars

The guidance on this page is primarily for University departments and department administrators to help process new and incoming J-1 scholars. However, J-1 scholars may also find this information helpful to better understand the steps and materials needed for processing by the University. Please contact us if you have any questions.

New J-1 scholar request for a DS-2019

The DS-2019 is the immigration document required to apply for a J visa. If your J-1 scholar is new to the University of Rochester, you’ll need to request a URID or guest account for them before beginning the application process through URcompass.

Log into URcompass and initiate a new J-1 scholar request

Please ensure all required documents are submitted; we cannot process a request for a DS-2019 until we have a complete application. Please allow for three months between the date ISO receives a complete application and the new J-1 scholar’s start date.

Helpful resources

Reference the J-1 New Request Guide as well as the checklist below for an overview of this process. Be sure to have all of the following on hand before initiating the e-form process.

Required forms and supporting documentation checklist

Host department required documents
  • SMD and ASE departments only: J-1 Scholar Job Proposal Form approved by the appropriate dean or administrative office.
  • An appointment/invitation letter signed by the appropriate person(s). The letter must contain at a minimum:
    • Appointment title
    • Dates
    • Funding amount and sources
    • Statement of benefit eligibility or non-eligibility.
  • J-1 applicants who are not going to be paid by the University of Rochester must provide proof of funding and it must be:
    • Written in English
    • On letterhead from the funding source
    • Signed by someone with authority to dispense the funds from the funding organization
    • Include the specific dates of funding coverage
    • Include the amount of funding in US dollars
  • Supporting documentation required for English Proficiency Assessment
  • Export Control Form
J-1 exchange visitor required documents
  • Copy of identity pages of a valid passport for J-1 applicant
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Proof of permanent residency if applicant is a citizen of one country but legal permanent resident of another
  • Copies of degrees earned
If the J-1 applicant will be accompanied by dependents
  • Copy of identity pages of a valid passport for each dependent
  • For spouse, a copy of marriage certificate translated into English
  • For child(ren), a copy of birth certificate translated into English

Bringing dependents in J-2 visa status

Only the spouse and children of the J-1 principal are eligible for the J-2 visa status. The minimum amount of financial support required for each J-2 dependent is currently $500 per dependent per month; this figure is to be added on to the minimum financial support required for the J-1. This figure doesn’t include the cost of health insurance which, for a family, can be very expensive if health insurance won’t be provided to the J-1 principal as a benefit of their appointment.

Complete and submit the J-1 Scholar Dependent Questionnaire (PDF) to request a DS-2019, one for each eligible dependent.

Visit our Dependents page for additional information