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New Student Intake Forms

Getting started

Our office will issue your Form I-20 (F-1 students) or Form DS-2019 (J-1 students), certifying your eligibility to study at the University of Rochester under the University’s immigration sponsorship.

ISO uses our online client portal, URcompass, to collect required information and electronic document copies through the New Student Intake Forms (NSIF). This process is started by your University admitting department once they’ve confirmed your acceptance and intent to enroll.

After your admitting department has completed the NSIF Department Section in order to provide the necessary academic and financial details related to your program of study, you’ll receive an email from our system inviting you to complete the NSIF Student Section.

Systems access

Since the ISO client portal is integrated within the University’s network, you’ll use your University Microsoft Entra ID to login securely to URcompass. In preparation to submit the NSIF, please be sure to initialize your account in advance, using your unique 8-digit URID.

Visit our URcompass page

Preparing required NSIF materials

Following receipt of your email invitation to complete the NSIF Student Section, you’ll be able to access your electronic NSIF in URcompass to complete a short series of online forms.

Detailed guidance for completing each form is provided below. Reference our Frequently Asked Questions for additional guidance.

Instructions section

Review the basic information needed by ISO and confirm the email address we should use throughout the NSIF process. You’ll be able to change your preferred personal email upon arrival and submission of the Immigration Check-In.

Immigration information section

Indicate your request for either the F-1 I-20 or J-1 DS-2019. While the F-1 category is strongly recommended for most students, please review additional information on comparing F-1 and J-1 categories. You may also indicate ‘No University of Rochester document needed’ if you’ll study under another organization’s immigration sponsorship.

SEVIS category selection

Select the SEVIS category that best fits your current US immigration situation:

  • Initial Attendance
  • Immigration Transfer
  • Change of Education Level
  • Return from Absence
  • Change of Immigration Status
  • Non-University of Rochester Immigration Sponsorship

This is in reference to the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, used to manage all F-1 and J-1 student records. Based on your selection, you’ll be prompted to provide additional information related to your current and/or previous US immigration status, as relevant.

Learn about selecting the correct SEVIS category

Personal information section

List your name, date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy), and citizenship exactly as they appear in your passport.

Matching names and information

The information listed on the I-20 or DS-2019 must exactly match the passport you intend to use for your visa interview and travel both for security and to avoid potential errors or delays. You’ll also be prompted to enter details related to your birth and residency status outside the US. If you have multiple passports, please determine which one you’ll use for your travel to the United States as a student and list your details to match that document.

It’s important to make sure that the name entered into the SEVIS database is accurate, to avoid problems when you apply for the visa. Additionally, the University systems must list your name the same way, so the information provided on this form may be used to update your University records as well.

Official formatting of your name

To find the official formatting of your name, reference the second to last line on the bottom of your identification page of a machine-readable passport (reference sample image below). Your surname will be separated by << from your given name(s).

If there is an official custom in your country that allows for a different order of your name in the passport (such as: Last Name, Middle Name, First Name), please include a short explanation. If you don’t have a surname listed on your passport, ISO is required to enter your full name in the last name field of the SEVIS database and to leave your first name blank.

Reference image:

Sample image of passport as an example.

Passport copy uploads

Upload a copy of the photo identification page of your passport for verification purposes to the NSIF (not the cover or any other informational pages). If you have a student visa in your passport, either current or expired, you’ll be asked to upload a copy of that as well.

If you don’t have a passport because you are required to have an I-20 or DS-2019 in order to apply, please check the box for ‘Passport not available’. In this case, you must provide a copy to the ISO once you receive it.

Only for students requesting a J-1 DS-2019

You’ll also enter home country academic and occupation details.

Contact information section

You’ll enter your home address, current address, and emergency contact information.

Home country permanent residential address

Enter your Home Country Permanent Residential Address. This must be a physical address location outside the United States; a post office box is not acceptable. This should be the long-term address that you would return to for breaks and/or after completion of your studies, such as your parent’s home.

Current US residential address

Provide your current US Residential Address, or last known US address, if you recently departed the country. Any US address must adhere to the correct US Postal Service format.

Note: You’ll only be prompted for this information if your SEVIS Category is Immigration Transfer, Change of Education Level, or Change of Status.

Emergency contact

List contact information for a family member or friend you would want to be contacted in the event of an emergency while you’re in the US. This person could be located abroad or in the United States.

Proof of financial support section overview

If you’re not fully funded by the University, you’ll need to provide evidence of your financial support on your NSIF.

Documentation is required to cover estimated expenses for at least one full year of study. The ISO revises estimated expenses for each academic program annually, in March/April. We cannot issue your I-20 or DS-2019 for the upcoming academic year until those figures are finalized.

Original documentation will be required when you apply for your visa or travel to the United States to begin your program. When completing the NSIF, you’ll be prompted to upload an electronic copy of your funding document(s) for ISO review.

Estimated expenses

Tuition and fees associated with your program of study

Please contact your admitting department or Admissions Office for detailed information regarding program costs.

Basic cost of living expenses

For immigration purposes, the ISO is required to identify the average cost of living for international students, including:

  • housing
  • meals
  • local transportation
  • personal costs
  • academic books and supplies

Keep in mind these figures are estimates of anticipated expenses and may not fully reflect all charges billed by the University. These estimates do not include international travel costs, optional services, or other professional costs that you may incur here.

For students living off-campus, this total currently averages up to $2355 per month, over 9 to 12 months in the academic year. This figure is an estimate only, made in consultation with the Financial Aid Office. Many students find that their actual costs will vary, either higher or lower, from this amount.

For undergraduates expected to live on-campus, standard room and board fees will be used instead of a monthly calculation.

Dependent expenses

For each dependent family member accompanying you to the University of Rochester, you’ll be required to show documented financial support for an additional $7000 annually, per person.

Documenting financial support

Use available, liquid funds

Proof of available funds should only include liquid assets that are easily accessible: cash, stocks or bonds, money market accounts, mutual funds, or similar.

Other assets that represent future, past or estimated values are not sufficient, such as retirement accounts, annual salary statements, tax documents and property/land holdings.

Acceptable documentation

Plan ahead to request and update required funding documents with your financial institution, as needed. Please consider the following guidelines:

  • Proof of financial support must include the bank or financial institution, name of the account holder(s), account number, type of account, current balance and currency, and statement date.
  • Documents must be unaltered and recently issued, not more than 4-6 months prior to the date of your visa interview or entry to the country.
  • Statements printed in a language other than English will require a written translation. Be sure to include this when uploading documentation to the NSIF as well.
  • A bank letter may be issued in lieu of a current account statement, provided the bank official attests to the availability of sufficient funds and provides an original signature or other certification.
  • Support from an outside scholarship, home institution, employer, or other organization can be documented by the official award letter. Similarly, University funding should be documented via your University of Rochester award letter during your visa interview and travel.
Family or sponsor funds

If you’re being funded by a relative, friend or other private sponsor, you must have documentation that they intend to support your education at the University of Rochester. In addition to their bank statement showing available funds, they must provide a brief statement indicating their relationship to you and explaining that the documented funding is available for your studies.

Your sponsor may use the template provided as a Statement of Financial Support, or they may prepare a similar letter on your behalf.

This letter is not necessary when your name is officially listed on the financial account, as these will be considered personal funds for immigration purposes.

Subject to ISO review

Document files must be clear and readable after uploading to the NSIF. Incomplete or insufficient proof of funding will result in delays in issuing your I-20 or DS-2019. If documentation provided does not appear to be authentic or may not satisfy official review at the US Consulate, we will request additional evidence for evaluation.

Dependent information

Complete a separate form for each dependent family member, either your spouse or child. The system requires a separate submission of dependent details for each family member. You’ll list their name, date of birth, citizenship, residency details, any current US immigration status, and other biographical details for each person.

Upload a copy of their passport. If they are already in the United States, you’ll also be asked to upload copies of their other US immigration documents.

You’ll also be required to show $7000 in additional financial support for each dependent. If you have a spouse and 2 children joining you in Rochester, you’ll need to submit the Dependent Information form 3 times and document an additional $21,000 in available financial support.

F-2 and J-2 dependents each receive their own Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019) when your student document is issued. When applying for their visa, they will also need to have documented proof of the dependent relationship, such as a marriage or birth certificate. Extended family members, other than your spouse and children, are not eligible for F-2 or J-2 dependent status. If you have questions about dependent eligibility, please contact ISO at

Dependent documents can also be requested after your arrival if your family members plan to join you later. Some students postpone requesting dependent documents until after they have arrived, assuming that their visa interview will be more successful if it appears as though their families will not be joining them. However, this is not a consideration for the consular officers and will not improve your ability to show that you intend to return home.

Submission and processing times

ISO will only be able to start the review and SEVIS processing needed to issue your I-20 or DS-2019 after you have submitted the NSIF Student Section. If our staff determines that information is incomplete or inaccurate, the relevant form(s) will be reset to a draft status, and you’ll be notified by email to edit the system accordingly.

Most requests can be processed within 2 weeks of accurate submission to ISO. Some requests cannot be processed in this timeframe, due to SEVIS coordination for certain Immigration Transfer or Change of Education Level records. Additionally, with high volumes across all University programs in the spring and summer, our staff may need to prioritize document issuance according to the start date of the student’s UR program or the likelihood of a visa delay.

Please do not contact ISO to ask about the processing time for your documents, as all requests are completed as quickly as possible and these discussions take our time away from processing. Once the I-20 or DS-2019 is available, it will be distributed to you in coordination with your admissions office. The I-20 will be distributed electronically, by email, and the DS-2019 will be distributed by shipment.