Review checklist for incoming students
A helpful guide with step-by-step instructions to prepare for coming to the US and the University.
Welcome to the University of Rochester! ISO is here to help you with your visa and immigration paperwork, as well as help you settle in at Rochester when you arrive. Explore the resources on this website to learn more, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
A helpful guide with step-by-step instructions to prepare for coming to the US and the University.
Detailed guidance on how to complete required NSIF documentation.
This is an important action that you are legally required to complete within a week of your arrival.
Attend live webinars, watch on-demand videos recaps, and understand other training requirements.
Learn more about SSNs, if one is necessary for your situation, and the process by which to obtain one.
Our Living in Rochester page has a ton of guidance and recommendations for your time in Rochester. Check out just a few of these specific topics below.
Learn about on- and off-campus housing options and international-specific resources.
Find student groups, points of interest, and more ways to get involved.
Get a better understanding of cultural norms in the United States.
If English isn’t your first language, there are groups and resources that can help.
Learn about the US health insurance system and required coverage.
Procedures related to academics, including full-time registration requirements.
Global Visitor Program
Interested in coming as a visiting student? Learn about the Global Visitor Program and how you can apply.