
Transition Team: Passive-solar pizza-making!

Students laughing while preparing their pizzas outside.

Yesterday Miss Mackenzie and Miss Aiyana showed our Transition Team students how to make pizzas outside with the power of the sun! They learned about how passive solar energy can be harnessed to do so many things, including cook. Our teachers guided them in building homemade solar pizza “ovens” using […]

Change Over Time: Week 2 Theme Groups Begin!

Older students helping younger students learn about worms and soil.

Last week our students chose what theme groups they wanted to be in for the program, and they had a lot to choose from this year; Bodies of Water, Cartoons, Civil Rights, Dance Culture, Economics & Money, Fashion & Hairstyles, FOOD, Geography & Pangea, Inventions, Life Cycles, Seasons, Telling Time […]

Critical Friends MAG Visit

On Saturday, March 9th, 2019 members of the Horizons at Warner Critical Friends mentoring program met at the Memorial Art Gallery to enjoy an afternoon together. Five mentees from Horizons joined their mentors in a guided tour of the MAG. Our docent provided in-depth explanations of the artwork and the […]

Mitzvah Day at Temple Sinai

Each year, Temple Sinai of Penfield hosts a Mitzvah Day event in which they offer a variety of free services to non-profit organizations across Rochester. This year the faithful day falls on Sunday, May 5th, and Horizons at Warner is lucky to be the recipient of Temple Sinai’s generosity again. […]

Kindergarten Meet and Greet

On Saturday, March 9th, Horizons at Warner held a Meet and Greet event for the program’s up-and-coming Kindergarten class at our partner library, Sully Branch. It was a great opportunity for students to meet peers they will be sharing a classroom with come July and for parents to gain valuable […]