
Three Percent #13: Literary Journals, Why We Don't Read Short Stories, and the $%#@ing Brewers

For this week’s podcast, Tom and I answered our first mailbag question about literary journals, discussed the old adage that “short stories don’t sell,” and complained about the unbeatable Milwaukee Brewers.

(We also talk a bit about my son’s obsession with all 19 seasons of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. In fact, if you listen till the end, you can hear Aidan talk about it himself . . .)

Of course, we managed to forget a few obvious literary journals, but here’s a short list of ones we talked about, and a couple we didn’t:

  • Monkey Business

Feel free to send some hate mail about all the journals we skipped over . . .

Also, we’re planning on doing an episode on “Books You Should’ve Read in College,” so if you have any suggestions—or any other comments—email me at chad.post [at] rochester.edu.

This week’s song is Baptism by Soft Landing.

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