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Advising Handbook


A grade of “I” should be given only when there are circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as illness or personal emergency, that prevented the student from finishing the course work on time. Under no circumstances may the “I” be given for the following situations:

  • student who wishes to do additional work after the course deadline to improve a grade;
  • student who wishes to redo the course work in a subsequent semester to improve the current grade.

A form requesting a grade of “Incomplete,” indicating the work outstanding and the deadline for its completion, must be signed by both the student and the instructor and submitted to the College Center for Advising Services. There is a one-semester limit for completion of the course, unless the College permits an extension. (Extensions are routinely granted when students are expected to complete their work by attending the course the next time it is offered, if the course is taught only once a year.) Students should not re-register for the course for credit, but should make arrangements to audit, if the terms of the contract require students to do the work again.

Once a final grade has been submitted, whether passing or failing, the grade of “I” will be removed from the transcript. The grade of “I,” however, will continue to appear on the advising record. The instructor may request a waiver of the recording of the “I” on the advising record when the lateness was created by circumstances unrelated to the student, such as equipment failure in a laboratory.

The student’s failure to submit the form or to complete the work by the deadline will result in an “E” for the course, unless the instructor noted on the form that a different grade should be assigned. The dean of the College shall inform the student of an impending action to change the “I” grade before notifying the Registrar. The student is at liberty to consult with the instructor, who may authorize an extension on a signed “Incomplete” form.

Instructors are advised to report an “N” grade when they have no record of a student’s attendance, or if the student attended but neither completed the course nor arranged for an “Incomplete.”  An instructor may later decide to award a grade, in which case an “I” will be placed on the student’s advising record to show that the work was completed late.  If students do not make arrangements to complete the course they will, after appropriate warning, be given the failing grade of “E.”