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Advising Handbook


A. General Information

Students should apply by June 30 for fall readmission and by November 15 for spring readmission. To be considered for readmission, the student must show a readiness to resume a full academic program from which he or she can profit. Students should contact the College Center for Advising Services for applications which are to be returned there, or download the application which is available online.

All readmitted students will be notified of their academic status, which will be determined in accordance with the following:

  1. Normally, students who withdrew in good standing will be readmitted unless facilities cannot accommodate them. Students who withdrew in good standing will, provided they have not done unsatisfactory academic work during their absence, be readmitted in good standing.
  2. Students who withdrew while on probation will, upon readmission, remain on probation for at least one semester. (See Probation)
  3. Students who have been separated will be readmitted only if positive evidence of likely improvement is submitted. For this reason, students should be extremely cautious about taking any college work during the period of their separation and should consult with an academic advisor before pursuing any course-work in any institution. They will not automatically receive academic credit for work taken elsewhere during the period of their separation from the College. Students may, after being removed from probation, petition the Administrative Committee to receive transfer credit for such work. When readmitted, students remain on probation until their progress toward a degree is satisfactory.
  4. Readmitted students whose initial enrollment preceded the Rochester Curriculum requirements are expected to meet those requirements using the same criteria as transfer students. (See Clusters)
  5. Students who wish to apply for readmission in order to complete a second undergraduate degree, must submit a petition to the Administrative Committee requesting approval and outlining their intended coursework. Once awarded, a degree cannot be changed. For example, a student who previously completed a minor as part of one degree, cannot return as a readmitted student to complete a major in the same area. Note as well that a student cannot earn a second B.A. degree.

B. Faculty Rules Regarding Readmission

  1. All decisions concerning readmission shall be made by the dean of the College or his delegate.
  2. Students who have been separated from the College for unsatisfactory academic progress shall be subject to the following provisions upon readmission:
    1. They shall be readmitted on a probationary basis. Normally, they shall remain on probation for the period of one academic year, but this period may be reduced or extended by the Administrative Committee upon review of the student’s work after readmission.
    2. The records of formerly separated students who have been away from the College for at least one year shall show academic credit for work taken at the University prior to their separation only in those courses in which they received grades of “C-“ or better, “P,” and an “S” in those courses taken under the Satisfactory/Fail option.
      1. Courses taken under the freshman transcript policy will not be re-evaluated.
      2. The record will show re-evaluated work only as credit earned, as with transfer credit.
      3. Only that work taken subsequent to readmission shall be reflected in the cumulative average. However, all work completed prior to separation, including grades received, will remain on the student’s transcript.
      4. The following statement will be placed on the transcript to appear at the beginning of the semester of re-admission:
        1. Re-evaluation of prior academic record granted. All grades have been removed from cumulative grade point average. All credit for courses passed with D+, D, or D- grades has been removed from cumulative hours earned.
      5. Federal guidelines require the Financial Aid Office to consider all coursework completed at the University of Rochester as if the re-evaluation had not occurred.
      6. On rare occasions, the re-evaluation described above will not advantage a re-admitted student, who is free to petition that this procedure not be carried out.
  3. A student who has been separated twice from the College for unsatisfactory academic progress will not be readmitted.