
Three Percent #8: Summer Recommendations

This week, we finish up our John Locke discussion by quoting from his How I Sold 1 Million Ebooks in Five Months, and then move on to discussing good literature, including six book recommendations for the summer.

Tom’s Picks:

How I Became a Nun by Cesar Aira, translated from the Spanish by Chris Andrews

The Safety Net by Heinrich Boll, translated from the Germany by Leila Vennewitz

Millennium People by J. G. Ballard

Chad’s Picks:

The Golden Calf by Ilf & Petrov, translated from the Russian by Helen Anderson and Konstantin Gurevich

Stone Upon Stone by Wiesław Myśliwski, translated from the Polish by Bill Johnston

Lightning by Jean Echenoz, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale

And this week’s music is from Girl Talk’s All Day, which is available for free here, complete with visual breakdown of all the songs he’s sampling.

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