Two Month Review: #4.01: The Physics of Sorrow (Introduction)
The new season of the Two Month Review kicks off now with a general overview Georgi Gospodinov’s The Physics of Sorrow, one of the most beloved books Open Letter has ever published. Brian’s on the lam, or in witness protection, or something, so Open Letter senior editor Kaija Straumanis stepped in to talk about one of the first books she ever worked on for the press.
You can participate in the next episode—covering the Epigraphy, Prologue, and Part I (1-58)—which will be recorded on YouTube LIVE on Monday, February 19th at 9pm EST. All you you have to do is click here and you can comment or ask Chad, Brian, and Tom Roberge about anything you want.
The podcast recording of this episode will be released in normal fashion on Thursday, February 22nd. So you don’t have to watch it live, but if you want to come hang out with us and participate in the making of these episodes, we’d love to see you there!
As always, The Physics of Sorrow (and all the previous Two Month Review titles) is available for 20% off through our website. Just use the code 2MONTH at checkout.
Feel free to comment on this episode—or on the book in general—either on this post, or at the official GoodReads Group.
Follow Open Letter, Chad Post, and Brian Wood, for more thoughts and information about upcoming guests. And also follow Tom Roberge for more book and bookselling related content. (And other fun stuff.)
And you can find all the Two Month Review posts by clicking here. And be sure to leave us a review on iTunes!
The music for this season of Two Month Review is Stars and Babies by Splendor and Misery, featuring Georgi’s translator, Angela Rodel!
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