Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation Study of Translators
This is a special request from former University of Rochester student and Open Letter intern Will Eells. He’s working on an interesting study of translators and thought some of Three Percent’s readers would be interested in participating.
Hello Three Percent readers!
The Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation is looking for translators and interpreters to participate in a research study!
We are a nonprofit scientific research and educational organization specializing in:
- the study of human abilities
- educational guidance for high school and college students
- career guidance for working adults
To put it simply, we as individuals tend to like things that we are good at, and are most unsatisfied in our work when we don’t have an outlet for our strengths. We assess these abilities via our proprietary battery of tests that measure qualities such as spatial reasoning, various brainstorming and problem solving aptitudes, visual and auditory acuities, and more. Since 1922, hundreds of thousands of people have used our aptitude testing service to find direction in educational and career planning, whether still in school, seeking employment, or making mid-life career changes.
Our research is based on validation studies of particular careers, and right now we are launching a formal study of translators and interpreters! We are thus looking for volunteers to take part in this study. Learning more about this field will help the Foundation in its mission to provide accurate information to clients about their natural gifts and what aptitudes contribute to success in learning and using languages. Participants would be required to complete a short survey about their work and from there, come to one of our offices to complete our battery of tests, including a discussion of their results, at no cost.
We have offices in the following cities:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington, D.C.
Please note we are looking for native-level English speakers with at least one year of work experience. If you are a translator or interpreter interested in this research project, please contact me, Will Eells, at You can also learn more about our organization via our website,
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